Breakfast ideas wanted!!



  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Try and stop looking at meals in the traditional way and think of them all as meals where you can eat anything you want (within your calories).
  • Mom2Frankie
    Mom2Frankie Posts: 23 Member
    I have the same problem. I don't like eggs or oatmeal. I also get up at 5am for work so I can't eat that early. I have been doing PB on salt free rice cakes and sometimes I top them with fruit. Two rice cakes are only 80 cals
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    I sometimes make my own homemade 'egg mcmuffin'. Pre-preparing the night before, I'll slice my english muffin and wrap it, cut a slice of turkey bacon in two and wrap it in foil, and put the slice of cheese in the bag too. In the morning before I leave, I'll do my egg. I'll crack one egg and one egg white in a coffee mug, pierce the yolk with a fork so it doesn't explode, and microwave it for a couple of minutes. It comes out perfect and round like mcdonald's. IT cooks from the outside in so if the inside is still runny just put it for 30 more seconds. Then I"ll put the egg patty in a sandwich container and throw that in the lunch bag too. At work the final assembly is toasting the english muffin, and microwaving the turkey bacon and egg, then assembling the sandwich. Yummy and lots of protein with the extra egg white added.