I'd like some tips for better results.

Hello :)

I'm 47, 5'4" and 160 lbs and would like to lose 25 or 30 lbs.
Weight loss is tough for me and I could use a few tips to help. This month I've lost 2.5 and gained back 1.5. Sooo 1 pound lost. I have been bouncing around like this without exercising or watching the calories for months. Now that I'm making some effort with watching calories and exercising, to see the same thing, it's a bit frustrating.
I have been kind of sporadic with the amount of calories I've been eating this last month. I'm going to try to make it more consistent. I just reset my goal from 1 pound a week to maintenance and will just use exercise to create a deficit(won't be eating back the exercise calories). Maintenance on here is around 1950 calories. When I calculate my TDEE it is 2400. Not sure what the difference means.

I'm going to try to increase my protein and make a few better choices with my eating. For example, get rid of the Highliner and buy unseasoned uncoated fish and then season it myself with herbs/spices and use some healthier oil. Also make sure that I only eat bad things like ice cream once a week. I don't want to change my morning tea yet as I loooove my tea in the morning. I've tried to change what I put in my tea but blah. All no good.

I exercise half hour to an hour a day with Les Mills Combat and then have a long mountain bike ride on the weekend. I've just added a weight lifting program to my week which will bump 2 half hour workouts to one or more hours. I'm trying to exercise for one hour, five days a week and then the biking on the weekend. Will have a rest day here and there.

Any help will be appreciated...well, if it gives me some results, lol.


  • Via88
    Via88 Posts: 46
    I've recently started the TDEE method as well. When you say maintenance is 1,950, do you mean that's your BMR? If so, then you should eat between 1,950 and 2,400 and workout. That should help. Before you started doing this, you might have not been eating enough which could cause starvation or you could have been eating to much. No way to tell since you weren't really keeping up with it. I would give this method about a month and see what happens, I hope it helps! :)
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    When I log in my goals at this site, I put in to maintain and MFP gives me the 1950 goal. I'm assuming that this number is their TDEE?
    I've gained 10 lbs from February of last year until February of this year. I always gain the weight on my holidays...five pounds a week usually. Sooo, from this past February I have been more careful and concentrating on eating more healthy and watching carbs. Since February, I was going up and down four pounds. Got tired of that and in July started taking more control of things.

    I used MFP before in 2011 and was frustrated with the process then as it took one year to lose 5 lbs. I didn't use MFP for that whole year.
    I think that year I changed my goal too many times. Because nothing seemed to be working to give me a better weight loss result.
    I guess I should be patient and just accept that I lose veeeeery slowly. Nutrisystem and no exercise works very well for me but I don't want to do that again. I'm want my life to be about eating healthy and getting fit. I just want to lose more than five pounds a year.
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    I've recently started the TDEE method as well. When you say maintenance is 1,950, do you mean that's your BMR?

    My BMR is around 1400 and TDEE is 2400. Sooo if I stick to the 1950 and not eat back exercise calories, I should lose about .5 to 1 pound a week. I could eat a bit less on days I don't exercise.
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171

    I stuck to around 2000 calories per day this week and lost 2.5 lbs. Wow. I'll keep this going to see if it continues.
    Also I measured some things instead of eyeballing the last two days. Peanut butter I over estimated and spinach/sweet potatoes I under estimated by one half. Guess that kind of balances out, lol.