Biking and food



  • hooligan41
    hooligan41 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok I just started to ride a bike to try to lose weight right now I'm at about an hour a day 3-4 tines a week mainly riding in the neighborhood I can go 10 to 15 miles in that time depending on route and weather any advice is welcome
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    hooligan41 wrote: »
    Ok I just started to ride a bike to try to lose weight right now I'm at about an hour a day 3-4 tines a week mainly riding in the neighborhood I can go 10 to 15 miles in that time depending on route and weather any advice is welcome

    Regarding food?

    For 10-15 miles (16-25 km) of cycling, you might not need to eat anything in addition to what you normally eat.

    Generally, if you ride less than 2 hours, you should have enough in storage to supply you with the required energy.

    However, if you are in a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, you may want to bring a granola bar with you just in case ... and if you discover you're feeling irritable or shaky or dizzy, eat the granola bar.

  • hooligan41
    hooligan41 Posts: 9 Member
    Also if i should be trying to ride longer and if a a decent bike will really make a difference in bought a cheap bike just to test it out to see if I would even like it and I love it!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    hooligan41 wrote: »
    Also if i should be trying to ride longer and if a a decent bike will really make a difference in bought a cheap bike just to test it out to see if I would even like it and I love it!

    I'm a long distance cyclist so my answer is always going to be ... yes, ride longer! But it does depend what you want to do with your cycling. There are many options.

    And yes, a better bicycle can make a difference, but first decide what you want to do. Do you want to get into commuting? mountain biking? road cycling? racing? what kind of racing? long distance cycling? touring?

    Ride with what you've got for a little while ... explore some options ... make a list of things you don't like about your current bicycle, especially with the type of cycling you want to do in mind ... and then start looking for something better. :)

  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    Most average sized Males burn 100 calories an hour just sitting on the couch.. I think I read that a human Brain burns 250 calories a day shooting electrons.

    I ride 18-21 miles every morning stationary bike 60 minutes after having fasted 12 hours our bodies store energy for a reason. I eat a large breakfast and drink a shake after my ride..
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I wasn't planning on burning all cals intakes in.

    so what is your purpose exactly? not that i'll have an opinion, probably. just puzzled now.
    Non caffeniated energy.

    You have a huge store of ready to use energy in your body already - you don't need to take on extra fuel for such a short duration.
    A huge milkshake just before exercise sounds like a recipe for a "Technicolor yawn" - if you really want a sports drink then suggest you drink a sports drink and have the milkshake afterwards if you want one (as opposed to need one).