
My doctor initially put me on met because of a high fasting glucose reading - 121. Long story short it started a huge series of tests that finally uncovered two major health conditions that had previously kept me out of the gym. Now that those are being treated and watched closely I want to go back to working out! I reluctantly agreed to try the met but hated it. Not only did it upset my insides but it also really screwed up my period and made me a very cranky person (normally I'm VERY happy and energetic). The doc says give it more time but I don't think so....has anybody had issues with met that resolved over time? What are some things that y'all have done to help with the high glucose reading? FYI all other lab work is perfect! YAY!


  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    My husband is on it and literally has diarrhea every day. I honestly don't know how he stays on it.
  • zalmann919
    zalmann919 Posts: 24 Member
    The standard recommendation is a) start with a low dose and b) take it with or right after meals. That will minimize the gastric side effects. They will eventually pass; it took me more than a month of feeling sick before that improved. I took it for nearly 10 years

    I've been able to lower my HbA1c well below 6 (the threshold of normal) with exercise and calorie/carb control since I started MFP in March, so my doctor has recently taken me off metformin.

    Good luck!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Some find that taking the brand name of metformin, Glucophage, is more helpful at a lower dosage and comes with fewer side effects.

    A very low carb high fat diet will help bring down your postprandial blood glucose. It may not help as much with high fasting blood glucose.