New......but not new.....:/

kwalker5276 Posts: 10 Member
edited July 2016 in Getting Started
hello.....I'm back.....and have decided that I am going to try this again. Change my life. I've tried a few times......with this....twice (so this will be my third try with MFP) Third times a charm right....LOL. I have also tried weight loss pills. Phentermine.....I liked it.....but then I don't. Because reality is I KNOW its not good for me (or my heart) So I'm just going to try the old fashion shakes.....not quick weight loss programs.......Just Eat healthier. (gotta learn a healthier way) and move my body more......I have a lot to lose. I currently weigh somewhere in the 270's...... Not sure where my goal is as far as a weight? I am 5'2 and just turned 40. I'm fairly healthy as far as my heart, and blood pressure my hormones are all over the place so yes....I do have to take thyroid medicine and Metformin for my PCOS. But I'm told by my doctor that I can get off of the metformin if I lose this's a goal.
But in the end.....I'm not sure I really want to say......"I want to weigh 130lbs" just want to be at a healthy weight so that I am able to move my body in a more comfortable way......and I don't have to struggle in finding clothes that fit.....or putting my shoes know....simple things that skinny people can do with no problem.......
My other goal is to find other ladies out there like me......(no offence to the men.....just men seem to lose differently than women....Not opposed to being your friend though :) ) Ladies who just want to live better. Feel better and look better (yes.....I'm a little vain and kinda want to look hot for my husband ;) ) Anyways.......Looking for some friends......some people out there that will actually talk to me....get to know me....let me get to know you.....and some people out there that will just give me a thumbs up when I do something great. Or encourage me when I fail.......and then let me do the same for you.....