Low blood pressure/ dizzy spells



  • helene4
    helene4 Posts: 120 Member
    Anemia? Are you getting enough iron?

    When I tried to eat a vegetarian diet I started having dizzy spells. Added an iron supplement and the dizzy spells stopped. Bck to eating organic grassfed meat though.
  • OneTwentyThree
    OneTwentyThree Posts: 186 Member
    edited July 2016
    ^ That is true, could be a vitamin deficiency also. But make sure you have your vitamins tested at the Drs before supplementing because some vitamins have a limit and having too much causes side effects.
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you all for the replies, I had low serum ferritin after having my daughter two years ago and got treatment ( iron tablets) last year to March but still take one a day and I know my recent blood tests for that we're all fine. I do think it could be low sugar to as that day I wasn't eating as much but I have lost 11lb over 2 months so perhaps this is a big contributer. My low bp I've always been told is heathy and unless I'm fainting etc won't treat which I understand I do think sometimes my bp takes a dip which maybe wat happened x
  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    I also have low BP. Even when I was 70 pounds overweight it was low. If that is the issue then just be aware of it. I usually sit upright for a few moments before standing, and when I stand up I stand still for a moment before I start walking.

    Sometimes after sitting in a recliner with my feet up I stand up and start walking to quickly and get light headed. I have to stop for a moment unti it's all good. Oh, yea another side benefit of low bp is you can enjoy all the salty stuff without worry.

    Most importantly is to see your doctor to rule out other causes. If you naturally have low bp consider it a blessing and just adjust to it. Best of luck.
  • jswigart
    jswigart Posts: 167 Member
    I don't know how old you are, but I have problems with getting dizzy when I stand up fast. It started after I lost 100 pounds. My Dr. told me it was just due to my age. I'm 61. Like others have said, got see your Dr.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I agree with seeing a dr. I'm also a low BP'er and have vasovagal issues. I've fainted or started blacking out various times so my PCP referred me to a cardiologist. He ran a bunch of tests. Basically he reminds me that sodium is my friend (I need at least 3000mg/day) and to stay hydrated ... but you have to remember if you drink too much water without enough sodium that can cause problems, too. I also have to be careful not to stand up too fast, especially after exertion. But definitely see the dr to rule out other causes.
  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    Your bp may be low. I was having dizzy and fainting spells for a long time, and my bp always stayed at 60/80, even going as low as 50/70 one time after an all-nighter. I'm also deficient in iron/vitamin B, so I take supplements to help it. This, along with drinking water and upping your sodium intake, has helped. :)
  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    I can't tolerate Phenylpropanolamine. It's in most diet drinks and sugar-free foods. I tried Dexatrim in the late 1970's and it caused me to feel faint, light-headed, and dizzy. In the 1980's I had a bad reaction with severe migraines when I tried Diet Mountain Dew. I now look for the Phenylpropanolamine warnings on any sugar-free product and totally avoid Nutrisweet. Splenda is okay with me.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Oh I typed a lot more but doesn't show up! Basically always had low bp and was told there's no treatment in past. Will go see gp tho. But does seem to be connected with loosing weight as I've had it in past x

    Same here...try sipping on a low-cal Gatorade when things get bad. Add a couple of extra cups of water per day. I also drink diluted Gatorade when I know that I am going to be doing especially intense exercise--1/3 ice, 1/3 water and 1/3 low-cal Gatorade.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited July 2016
    Doctors are usually hesitant to treat low blood pressure, because with some exceptions, it's pretty easy to modify just through minor lifestyle changes. I jacked my sodium and potassium intakes through the roof (relatively speaking), and mine is all but dealt with. However, this does mean that I will likely be having to salt the living hell out of my food and water forever. Morton Lite salt is fantastic (about 45% sodium, 55% potassium).

    Mine was already low when I was 265 lbs., and just went down even further as I dropped weight.

    For reference, I now tend to run about 5000-6000 mg sodium, and about 3500-4500 mg potassium every day, at a bodyweight of 151-153.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    I get this most of the time when I stand up. Combination of being tall and having low BP. I find it happens less if I am well-hydrated and am eating salts as well. It was really bad when I was in Mauritius but that was because I was in such high heat. I had some near faints a few times--fell back on the bed, vision blacked out, limbs started twitching. Thankfully that hasn't happened since.

    Get up a little slower and hold onto something if you need to.