How do you eat your oatmeal?



  • BoxerLover96
    BoxerLover96 Posts: 82 Member
    I HATED oatmeal till I discovered steel cut oats. Red's is my favorite. They are nutty and delicious. Don't buy the quick oats or the artificially flavored crap. With the steel oats, I put a smidge of brown sugar, cinnamon, the teeniest drizzle of light cream (not even a spoonful), and some almond slices. Sooooo good!!!

    Me too! I love steel cut oats. It takes a bit longer to cook, but I love them! After it's done I add fresh fruit (1/2c) and sprinkle cinnamon. I'm seeing a lot of posts saying they add eggs in theirs - I'm going to try this because I'm not a big fan of eggs...hope it's good...
  • blainemarie10
    blainemarie10 Posts: 2 Member
    Applesauce for sure. Add a tsp of vanilla and cinnamon. Best ever!
  • talisamb
    talisamb Posts: 65 Member
    Pumpkin puree
    Almond milk

    it's like eating pumpkin pie =)