Need Some New Motivation

AFettes21 Posts: 81 Member
Hi All,

I have been using MFP since December of 2011. During that time, I had lost 99 pounds. However, in June of 2013, I became pregnant with my son and have gained back about 40 of those pounds that I once lost. I have tried for the past two years to get back at it but seem to be going in the opposite direction. And over the last 6 months, I have lost and gained the same 10 pounds more times than I can count. Life is hectic and chaotic...which doesn't help the situation. I have been an Early Childhood Special Education teacher for the past 8 years and am currently going back to get my Master's Degree with an Early Childhood Education Add-on Certificate. Recently, my daughter has started to ask me if I was fat and I've decided that enough is enough...I truly need to get back to where I was and start feeling confident about myself and my abilities again. However, to do that, I need friends on MFP that are going to push me to do better. Don't get me wrong, my support system on here is phenomenal. But with the addition of the "like" button, I don't get as many comments any more, which always pushed me more than a simple "like." So if you want to be friends on here, let me know! I'll motivate you, you motivate me, it's a win/win situation!


  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited July 2016
    "I have been using MFP since December of 2011. During that time, I had lost 99 pounds"

    Seems to me that you know what needs to be done. The only thing missing is you wanting to do it again.

    But then again, here it is: "Recently, my daughter has started to ask me if I was fat and I've decided that enough is enough."