The Big Dairy Debate



  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    @BinaryPulsar Hello, thank you for your response... I keep my carbs between 15 and 30 as per the Dietician, and limit my fruits and other starchy veggies to specific portion sizes, no added sugar in anything, and as of late, I am off breads and grains though that will be another ordeal when and the time comes to add those back in!! I am happy to hear you are managing with what is working for you, it's all we can do to stay on top of our unique circumstances... :)
  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    @nvmomketo Thank you for your reply... Yes, I am familiar with that diet, though my Endocrinologist and Dietician don't favor that for me, but those principles you speak of with the high fat, lower carb makes sense, along with other food groups that we need. I am trying to find balance between the saturated fats and the carbs in whole foods such as Yogurt and Cheese and everything else for that matter, while discovering what works best at keeping my fasting sugar in a good place. I also use coconut milk/oil in some of my smoothies.
    Happy what you are doing is benefiting you and keeps you where you want to be... :)
  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you all so much for the awesome feedback! ☺️
  • musclepig69
    musclepig69 Posts: 3 Member
    full-fat yogurt and cream. I don't drink milk.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    forlaura wrote: »
    @BinaryPulsar Hello, thank you for your response... I keep my carbs between 15 and 30 as per the Dietician, and limit my fruits and other starchy veggies to specific portion sizes, no added sugar in anything, and as of late, I am off breads and grains though that will be another ordeal when and the time comes to add those back in!! I am happy to hear you are managing with what is working for you, it's all we can do to stay on top of our unique circumstances... :)

    I don't need carbs that low. I usually eat around 150. But anywhere in the range of 100 to 200. About 30% of my calories in carbs. But potentially up to 35 or 40%. I have to keep my sugar lowish. Not crazy low, but not high. I can't digest grains, starches, or fodmaps. Some of this might be temporary as my body recovers. But, I don't know. And it could take another year or so. I am recovering from medical injuries (wrongly prescribed and overprescribed unnecessary and harmful meds, it's a long story). Hopefully the kefir might be helping my body regain the ability to eventually digest foods again. Can't know for sure, but it's a possibility.
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    Full fat dair is 1. Less processed 2. Has less carbs
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    forlaura wrote: »
    @Nikion901 Hello, thank you for your response... I drink plant based milks mostly and also do not eat too much dairy... Is Keifer a plain, unsweetened drink? I am not familiar with it. I love goat cheese and from all I read about it, it seems to have great nutritional value as well. I know the more vegetables I eat the better, so I am trying to focus on increasing consumption of those, keep the good fats included with the protein and other carbs, no refined sugars or carbs, though... I know it is subjective, but I would imagine there are universal variables to how certain foods affect our sugar levels. From the studies I have read on dairy, I still am not convinced either way. ;):)

    Ok, Kefir is a fermentation, usually done with milk (cow, goat, or sheep), although you can also grow water kefir ... which I have never had but have read about. It tasts like very liquidy yogurt. Lifeway sells it in quart milk-bottle type containers and offers fruit flavored as well as plain, no-fat as well as whole milk. You ferment it differently than how yogurt made in that it uses 'kefir grains' that you have to get from some one who is fermenting their own or buy the starter grains. My dad drank Kefir throughout his life and turned me on to it when I was a girl. I really prefer fermented milk products over drinking milk straight, although there is nothing quite a glass of milk when I have a piece of cake or a couple of cookies!

    I don't give up any foods, although I do restrict (or save) for special occasions ... like the occcasional piece of birthday cake or Christmas cookie. Even the occasional ice cream cone is a special treat that I go to an ice cream parlor to enjoy it at rather than bring those foods into the sockpile at home. Works for me. Good luck.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    forlaura wrote: »
    @Sued0nim Hello, yes, I am higher than what I would like to be in my fasting Glucose numbers, post meal numbers fine. I am not Diabetic but is in family history, hence my concerns. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and it wreaks havoc when it is misbehaving... I see a pattern of elevated fasting glucose when it swings to hyperthyroid mode. I do follow a weight loss plan now and and getting towards my goal, following a dietitians plan, though I noticed my level was higher today and after two days of eating both low fat milk and yogurt... Cheeses or cream don't seem to bother me. Thank you for your response... :)

    Well it seems to me you're on your way, with the right expert help, to working out what you can afford to eat for your health and wellbeing and what you can't

    What I'm unsure of is how others experience would be of help as your issues seem to be very individual.

    But I can see how other alternatives can help ...unfortunately as I have no medical conditions re lactose / lactulose I can't offer any help.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    For milk, I like 1.5% fat. For yogurt I like full fat. The only way I would tolerate nonfat yogurt is if it's flavored. Flavored yogurt is more of a once in a blue moon thing for me. I've had it maybe twice last year. Nonfat cheese is huge fat NO and I only tolerate one brand f cream cheese that is low fat. Anything beyond that is irrelevant and propaganda. Milk products are not miracle foods (although some cheese do taste like it) and they are not the stuff of the devil unless they make you feel like it if you're lactose intolerant.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    tlc010283 wrote: »
    Dairy will keep you from your goals. Way too much sugar

    I guess it depends what your goal is.
    My goal was to lose weight and is now to maintain at my acheived weight level.

    I have milk in coffee and on cereals, drink milk and eat yogurt and cheese - all of these on very regular basis.
    Did not stop me from getting to my goals.

    Re question in OP - I drink low fat milk. Full fat tastes too creamy to me now. Mostly low fat yogurt. Regular fat cheese.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited July 2016
    Oh great, now people even start talking about milk as a processed food and fearmonger about the milk sugars.

    The conversation did start to veer way off the original topic. Good to try and get it back on topic to the original question.

    Edit: of course some people have issues with lactose. But, for people that don't it's not an issue.
  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    I find personal experiences which I can relate to go a long way, as conventional medicine sometimes limits our questions to generic answers, and they are not always subjective. Thank you for your response, it is appreciated.
  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    It is a trial and error of sorts it seems. Thanks for your feedback, and wish you well on your journey... :)
  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for feedback and for the info on the Kefir, I will check it out... My best to you... :)
  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks all for the input!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited July 2016
    forlaura wrote: »
    It is a trial and error of sorts it seems. Thanks for your feedback, and wish you well on your journey... :)

    Thank you. You too. I am doing much better now that we understand my malabsorption disorder. But, of course hoping to not have malabsorption forever. Edit to add: Oh I didn't realize you were the OP.
  • shortcdngirl
    shortcdngirl Posts: 56 Member
    I won't eat low fat labeled foods. Ocne you start to remove elements others are added or increased.

    Fat itself doesn't make you fat. Healthy fats are good for you . I find a lot of people over look sugar and how much of it is in our foods especially with food labeled as low fat etc

    Next time you are in the dairy isle compare the nutrition labels. It will be an eye opener. Really what is an extra 30 calories. I prefer the extra calories over added sugar and other elements

    I watch my sugar and sodium intake not for medical but for overall balance in my food choices
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    ^^ but that isn't so for milk. Low fat milk does not have added sugar.
  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    @shortcdngirl Hey, thanks... Yeah, I am really trying to stick with whole, clean food, myself, gave up anything processed. Yes, I have been reading labels a lot and see what you are saying! As for milk, I prefer plant based but I am going to use the organic grass fed full fat yogurt on the occasion I have it and I'll use the same cream in my coffee, just fit it into my macros. I have been actually enjoying my food more now that I have been eating this way than I ever have...and eating less of it! Thanks again, have a good night... :)