Disappearing willpower?



  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    You know what you need to do. Shrug off the excuses and the mistakes. We all make them. Now, get back to work.

    Thank you for this. I like a good swift kick in the a** now and then. Everyone else has good advice, but you nailed it, at least for me.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    I've been having this issue for about the last month to 6 weeks. I had a couple of weeks where I had other things I needed to do (dr. appointments, dog issues, sick - everything hit that 2 weeks) and I've had a really hard time getting back to the gym. I've been making myself go at least once a week, but I've gotten burnt out I think. About that time, I also bought a digital scale and did that for a day or so, and that seemed to have a detrimental effect actually. It was frustrating and I felt like it wasn't something I would keep doing for the rest of my life, so for some reason I kind of quit tracking as much.

    I am going for my 1 year evaluation on Thursday, so hopefully I will get a totally new workout and I can get back into it.