Tempted by other foods

Has anyone ever had what they were going to eat all planned. Just logged in there calories, and then someone orders food especially for them?

It can be really challenging being someone who hates to waste food and prefers to eat food fresh and hot out of the oven. And later having someone you live with pick up fresh restaurant food.

I had just eaten my dinner for the day when my mother poppped in to give me a 6' subway sandwich.

I prefer to eat my subway sandwich when it's fresh and not soggy and old.
What are some ways to preserve a subway sandwich until the next day?


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited July 2016
    Temptations are hard.

    One thing that has helped me is to be willing to throw away food. I used to be the one to eat the leftovers out of the fridge so that it wouldn't get thrown away. Now, if it doesn't fit into my food plan and no one else eats it, out it goes.

    Talk to your Mom. If she won't listen, just keep doing what you need to do for you. That was another hard lesson for me. If she brings you food, say "no thank you" and hand it back. That puts the ball back in her court.

    When you only have X calories a day, you need to make them count and enjoy them on your own terms. Don't waste your calories on something just to be polite. If you want a fresh Subway when you want it, then wait and buy it right before you eat it. Don't eat a soggy sandwich that you don't really want.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Talk to your mother etc and tell them that you plan your meals and that you love food but hate surprises?
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    I'd just throw it away or give it away, honestly. Stick to your plan. But if you REALLY want to keep it, disassemble it, bag all the "wet" veggies separate from the lettuce and meat, refrigerate everything including the bread, assemble bread + meat + cheese tomorrow and toss in the oven for a few minutes, then put the veggies back on.

    ...But really, just toss it. It's empowering to give yourself permission to not eat food you don't want. Then tell your mother to check with you before she brings you food in case you've already eaten.
  • Zipp237
    Zipp237 Posts: 255 Member
    Tell them you're on a diet and will not be eating restaurant food so they shouldn't buy it. If they do, don't eat it.

    Conquering temptation gets easier the more you do it. Be consistent and soon it won't be hard.