exercising longer??



  • UncleRiotous
    I went from couch potato to cyclist about six years back. My first ride involved what I thought of at the time as a big hill (now I think of it as a short incline) and after less than two miles on the bike, all of it on tarmac, it felt like someone had sandpapered the inside of my lungs. Just keep plodding on and do a little more each day, find something active that you enjoy as that will motivate you to do it (I hate gyms, some of my mates love them but I'll find any excuse to get on a bike and ride) and you'll be the fittest you've ever been relatively shortly.

    I've blitzed my exercise in the last year and last week I did a 40+ mile mountain bike ride, all off road with 6400 ft of climbing and burned over 4000 cals doing it but I remember not being able to do a couple of miles without feeling horrible.