Running a 24 miler today! *wish me luck*



  • bketchum1981
    bketchum1981 Posts: 130 Member
    niblue wrote: »
    Good luck! That's a long way and puts my 5K run this morning to shame!

    Agreed! But it makes me a believer that it's possible.

    Keep up the good work! Congrats!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,981 Member
    ktfranke wrote: »
    How did it go?

    Thanks for asking @midmomike66 it went okay! The first 15 were super easy and it went by fast! But it turned into paved road with over 1,000 feet of steep downhill, which totally pounded my feet, knees and hips... So by the time I got to the bottom of the hill, I still had 3 more miles of pavement to go, and my body was done. So I walked the last 3 miles, which ruined any chances of a PR! But at least I finished!

    As soon as I got home I used a foam roller and some muscle massage oil to work on my soar spots! The only trouble area ended up being my left calf muscle... But I can walk this morning! So that's a good sign... Lol!

    Well done! I can imagine the pounding on that steep downhill. Which 50K race are you doing?
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    It's not an official race @lkpducky
    There's this 31 mile stretch of the Pacific crest trail that runs south of Mt. Rainier that my girlfriends and I always backpack every year! This year, when we sat down to plan our trip, one of the gals just through out the idea of running it in a day (Instead of our usual 3 day trip)! There's only five of us running it!

    I'm not much for signing up for races anyways... You pay a bunch of money to get stuck behind a bunch of other runners... It's not really my style :/