New Here-Need a Change in Life

Hi, John here. For the past 12 years I have been struggling with weight loss and diabetes. I've tried it all to no avail. It's time to battle this and I know none of us can do this on our own. My new doctor tells me it's now or never being 55 this year. She's got me into a new weight loss program that I am hoping will help me get started. I'll admit right up front that I love to work out but hate to get started...procrastination is the name of the game-not really but sure is hard to get going when its just me doing the getting. Ha Ha

I need to lose over 100 lbs safely and get off all the medication I find myself on. Would love to have anyone friend me on here for motivation. I really don't want to have to repeat this again. Time is truly running out. If you add me as a friend I'll do the same for those that need support.