kickboxer: vengeance

lenoresdream Posts: 522 Member
Who else is going to see this movie? Ever since kickboxer 1 and 2 I've been pretty obsessed with Muay Thai (not training bc I was born without any athleticism or anything like coordination) but hot dang I'm excited for this!

Maybe in my next life I'll be born with coordination and I can train Muay Thai. *Wishful thinking*


  • therealhyper
    therealhyper Posts: 124 Member
    Cnt wait
    When is it being released
  • lenoresdream
    lenoresdream Posts: 522 Member
    I've seen two release dates so I'm not sure :( I think September is the real date but I can't remember the day and I'm on my cell.

    Hopefully it's not limited release and it's in all theaters.