weight loss question

Has anyone ever had this happen? Where u don't lose weight for 2-3 weeks and then one day u step on the scale and u lost 5 pounds? This happens to me a lot. Does anyone know why? Thank you!


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    My weight loss was mostly in a series of steps rather than a linear progression.

    Here's an interesting theory on the subject....
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    It's certainly happened. I used to maintain weight all week and then end up down 2-3 lbs on Friday mornings. If you're weighing in only once/week, then you may be missing the daily fluctuations up and down and seeing your weight on an up day. Our weight bounces around all the time due to many factors, including salt intake, sleep patterns, stress, carbohydrate content, etc. Keep up the intensity and consistency and watch your progress over the last ~4 weeks. That'll show you your progress much better.