TMI question for the ladies only

Has anyone else lost a substantial amount of weight and had major changes in your menstruation? 52 lbs. ago I hardly had any cramping at all and sometimes even skipped a month. I know this was because my body was so high in fat percentage. Now I am finding as I'm losing weight I am in so much more pain. Coincidence or is there a medical reason for it?


  • Love_Is_My_Fuel
    Love_Is_My_Fuel Posts: 211 Member
  • griffith5150
    griffith5150 Posts: 123
    Mine has been lighter and more regular but I have PCOS... so mine have never been normal till now.
  • dixieracer27
    dixieracer27 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm having the opposite effects, lighter and hardly any cramps. I'm wondering if it has to do with my regular exercise routine.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Lost only about 5 lbs and 10+ inches and my cycle was 4 days late last month. I was 1 day late this month and where I'd be done my period (at about day 5), I'm still getting extremely heavy flow. This is due to homeostatic regulation of body weight. The more we weigh, the more estrogen/progesterone we need to regulate our bodies. The less we weigh, the less we need. Our thyroids and uteruses may take some time to adjust accordingly. I am to understand that as we lose more weight, fertility may also become higher (this of course depends on your age to start) so this can potentially cause concern for some people or be a very exciting change to welcome. If after a few months, you are having trouble with your cycle and it's not regulating, you should get your thyroid looked at.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    This has been talked about on here before. I spoke to my doctor when things changed and was advised that changes in menstruation can happen when someone gains or loses a bunch of weight. However if you are worried, definitely talk to your doc to make sure nothing else could cause it.
  • Love_Is_My_Fuel
    Love_Is_My_Fuel Posts: 211 Member
    I'm having the opposite effects, lighter and hardly any cramps. I'm wondering if it has to do with my regular exercise routine.

    I also exercise regularly 7 days a week and my diet is very clean now. I had a baby 7 months ago, maybe it's something to do with that. Guess it's time to head to the doctor grrrrrr
  • 220Dani
    220Dani Posts: 198 Member
    My cramps got stronger after losing weight and got intermittent bleeding as well which sucked. Went to the doctor and yep, hormone changes. Or as I like to think of it, my layer of protection got smaller. Maybe they always were this stronger just it took a while for it to hit me.
  • ALittleSwanny
    ALittleSwanny Posts: 36 Member
    I have PCOS so mine are very irregular (I sometimes only have 2 a year!) but when I lost weight my periods started getting more normal (one most months) and even at one stage a bit too frequent (having 2 a month). Weight changes can change your hormones and that's totally normal. But if you are concerned, see your doctor and they can give you some proper advice.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    My have become irregular since losing weight but lighter and shorter. Would go and see your doc.
  • Love_Is_My_Fuel
    Love_Is_My_Fuel Posts: 211 Member
    My cramps got stronger after losing weight and got intermittent bleeding as well which sucked. Went to the doctor and yep, hormone changes. Or as I like to think of it, my layer of protection got smaller. Maybe they always were this stronger just it took a while for it to hit me.

    Yes I get bleeding about a week before on and off before my actual period hits...and the cramping is definitely more intense but the flow is less than before weight loss.
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    I started getting my period twice as often, really annyoing. I actually just had my yearly gyn. checkup today and brought it up. I commented that I had read that it was normal for my cycles to get screwed up after losing a lot of weight, and he said that was true. He asked if I wanted to try and do something about it (don't know if he meant medication or what?) , but I said I'd hang in there and see if things straighten themselves out after a bit. So for now I'm not worried about it--unless I guess my pap smear results come back unusual.
  • Love_Is_My_Fuel
    Love_Is_My_Fuel Posts: 211 Member
    I started getting my period twice as often, really annyoing. I actually just had my yearly gyn. checkup today and brought it up. I commented that I had read that it was normal for my cycles to get screwed up after losing a lot of weight, and he said that was true. He asked if I wanted to try and do something about it (don't know if he meant medication or what?) , but I said I'd hang in there and see if things straighten themselves out after a bit. So for now I'm not worried about it--unless I guess my pap smear results come back unusual.

    HMMMMM wonder what he meant lol...I would have said the same thing...especially since I have a bunch more weight to lose so might as well see if my body will regulate on it's on and the cramping will become less and less hopefully. Maybe I'm in a transition phase or something haha
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    Mine have become more frequent (23 days-ish) with heavier bleeding, but the cramps aren't bad. I don't get the cravings anymore though which is a bonus.
  • Adah_m
    Adah_m Posts: 216 Member
    I feel you!

    Let me tell you that after losing over 100 lb I've noticed the same thing. I didn't have one sometimes for 6-7 months or more (maybe twice yearly) when I was really heavy, but I had a very high body fat percentage. When I had lost only about 30 lbs they started coming more frequently, and now at 100 lbs down they happen every month like they should and they're much more normal.

    I notice the same thing, heavier cramping but lighter flow. I noticed also as I lost weight my skin went wild. Tons of acne, and I'm 23 but looked like a 15 year old. Anybody else have skin changes? Probably hormones?
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Mine have changed... but I can't say if they are better or worse. As I've gotten older cramps have gotten worse.... normally, if I exercise on my really bad days.. it REALLY relieves the cramping.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    In Soviet Russia, period afraid of you.

  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    this has been asked several times...there is a search function on this website...

    i'm only stating this because some seem embarassed to ask the question in the first place... one here is a doctor or equipped to give online medical advice...

    your best bet is to see your doctor...but yes...weight loss can affect your cycle.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My cramps got stronger after losing weight and got intermittent bleeding as well which sucked. Went to the doctor and yep, hormone changes. Or as I like to think of it, my layer of protection got smaller. Maybe they always were this stronger just it took a while for it to hit me.

    Yes I get bleeding about a week before on and off before my actual period hits...and the cramping is definitely more intense but the flow is less than before weight loss.

    that's not normal my dear, sounds hormonal to me. Mine is out of wack constantly due to hormones. Just go get a quick check to see if anything is going on.
  • deb_137
    deb_137 Posts: 38 Member
    I had a baby 7 months ago, maybe it's something to do with that. Guess it's time to head to the doctor grrrrrr

    This may have as much if not more impact than the weight or exercise. I had big changes after my 4 child. Regardless, I would see my doctor and have my hormones checked.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm having the opposite effects, lighter and hardly any cramps. I'm wondering if it has to do with my regular exercise routine.

    I also exercise regularly 7 days a week and my diet is very clean now. I had a baby 7 months ago, maybe it's something to do with that. Guess it's time to head to the doctor grrrrrr

    I would guess its the baby...not the weight. My cycle has been MESSED UP since my youngest was born...way, way worse cramping than normal, odd lengths, spotting inbetween, etc..

    My midwife said that its normal for about a year after your cycle returns.