Size 18- my hate for myself

HI, I'm a size 18 on a 5'4 frame the hate for myself is as big as I am wide.
Those that have lost weight, please please help me.
How do you do it, stay motivated to keep at it.
Please post pictures to show me it's possible what's your way of staying on track?
I need help so bad! It's so bad Im thinking of horrible things I could do to loose weight, I know they are not the right way I'm just lost.
I hate everything everything about the way I look caused by my weight


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited July 2016
    Start by reading a lot. There's a ton of great information around here. Look for the threads at the top of the getting started and general diet boards. There is one each titled most helpful posts (or something to that effect). You don't need to do anything fancy, you don't need to go to any extremes. Break it into 10lb chunks and find a way to reward yourself as you reach each milestone (manicure, pedicure, massage; something not food related).

    Don't become obsessive about it, restaurant meals will happen. Whenever possible, look at the menu before going and pick something that suits your goals, and then order it without looking at the menu (those pictures can suck you in when you're hungry).

    Most importantly, have some patience. It will take time and you are human, so you will have bad days. Be forgiving of those bad days. Be more gentle with yourself. I have been there (busting out of a size 16 at only 5'2") it sucks. Being kinder to myself and giving myself the forgiveness I needed was so important.

    Add some friends for support. It's nice to check in and see that SallySue spent an hour at the pool swimming laps. It can motivate you to push forward.

    Edited to add some breaks in the wall of text.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Start by reading a lot. There's a ton of great information around here. Look for the threads at the top of the getting started and general diet boards. There is one each titled most helpful posts (or something to that effect). You don't need to do anything fancy, you don't need to go to any extremes. Break it into 10lb chunks and find a way to reward yourself as you reach each milestone (manicure, pedicure, massage; something not food related).

    Don't become obsessive about it, restaurant meals will happen. Whenever possible, look at the menu before going and pick something that suits your goals, and then order it without looking at the menu (those pictures can suck you in when you're hungry).

    Most importantly, have some patience. It will take time and you are human, so you will have bad days. Be forgiving of those bad days. Be more gentle with yourself. I have been there (busting out of a size 16 at only 5'2") it sucks. Being kinder to myself and giving myself the forgiveness I needed was so important.

    Add some friends for support. It's nice to check in and see that SallySue spent an hour at the pool swimming laps. It can motivate you to push forward.

    Edited to add some breaks in the wall of text.

    Everything she said. I went from a 22 to a 14 in fifteen months. When you do it right, it's a slow process, but it's ultimately rewarding.
  • Strahan70
    Strahan70 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2016
    You can do this!! I like to see what others have done, as well, for motivation. When I want to eat out of habit (watching a movie, reading, etc.) I will paint my nails. Also, pinterest has a lot of motivational pins, blogs.

    I have gone from 167 to 150 last weigh in. Started in January. I do best when I set fitness goals and don't obsess over the scale.

    Be nice to yourself. I believe we create our reality from the messages we tell ourselves. I know, hippie dippie... but, I think it's true.

    Feel free to add me. I would love to have more MFP friends for accountability.

  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I went from 18 to 12 (10 in some brands) so you can do it! I'm also only 5'3" and still have 20lbs to go. Pic of my progress. Follow MFP for food and try to drop 1lb per week. find and exercise you like or something to work towards. For me that was jogging and running 5k and 10k charity races. I hated running at first, but now it provides me that alone time to think and relax. 86wdybcwo6kp.jpeg