Starting over after a 5 year hiatus

wrubsie Posts: 2 Member
Hi everyone. I am starting my weight loss journey over again. Five years ago, I lost almost 60 pounds in about 10 months. I was on a very strict diet and the only exercise I did was walk around my neighborhood. Then things started going wrong in my life and I gave up on the weight loss journey. I gained all but about 10 pounds of it back over the years.

I am ready to start over. This time I am going about it differently. First, I don't want to diet. I want to approach this as a lifestyle change. I don't want to deprive myself of different types of foods. I want to learn how to eat healthy by including carbs, fat and sugar in moderation. I need to learn portion control and have a balanced daily meal plan.

Second, I joined a gym. It is a full service fitness center that is NOT geared toward the pretty models or the star athletes. The gym just opened up in May and the clientele is your everyday normal people looking for a better lifestyle. The owner of the gym spent an hour with me going over my medical history and my weight loss goals. In that hour, he spent time showing me the strength training machines. He showed me how to use them and how they should be set for my individual needs. All of this information was put in my personal chart, and an exercise regimen was created for me. Needless to say, I am VERY comfortable with this fitness center and I am not at all embarrassed to work out in front of other people here.

Right now, I am extremely motivated. However, I am worried that I will lose that motivation or that something will go wrong in my life again, and I will derail my progress all over again. In a nutshell, I am my own worst enemy! I am looking for supportive people on here to help kick me in the behind when I need it. In return, I will do the same for you if/when you need it. It doesn't matter to me if you are just starting out with your own weight loss journey, if you have been at it for years and are now maintaining, or if you are somewhere in between on your journey. Thanks for reading and good luck on your weight loss goals!