Pantry checklist?

Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member

Is any of the stuff on the list in your pantry? Has it helped?
Here's the list (in case the link doesn't work)
Extra-virgin olive oil
Canned tuna
Canned tomatoes
Whole-wheat pasta
Brown rice
Whole-wheat flour
Dried beans
Peanut butter


  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    Extra-virgin olive oil - yep, love this stuff
    Vinegar - I have rice, balsamic (traditional and white), and my fave is apple cider vinegar (get Bragg's brand for alkalizing anti inflammatory goodness)
    Canned tuna - nope, I'm veg, although it's a cheap source of omega 3's so rock on if you're not veg
    Canned tomatoes - yes, easiest addin to soups/chilis/casseroles, and makes a cheap pasta sauce
    Oatmeal - yep, regular for hubs, and gluten free for me
    Whole-wheat pasta - nope, this is the one thing we don't do. Before I had celiac, we continued to use white pasta, but only eat it about once a week. WW pasta doesn't taste as good.
    Brown rice - yep - look for sprouted grain (in a giant bag at Costco) for more nutrition than regular
    Whole-wheat flour - no, as I'm now gf, but I used to have it in abundance as I baked our own bread prior to crappy celiacs
    Barley - prior to celiac disease, yes... I might buy a packet every now and then if I feel like making soup for the hubs
    Quinoa - omg yes - I cook quinoa at least once a week, enough for 2 meals at a time
    Lentils - yes... a can of lentils with pasta sauce is a cheap, easy source of fibre, iron and protein - I use lentils anywhere an Omni would use ground beef
    Dried beans - tbh I usually do canned, but I do have some dried beans to cook on quiet weekend projects
    Nuts - yes, we have raw almonds/cashews/sesame seeds/pine nuts/walnuts/sunflower seeds/pumpkin seeds on hand at all times, very healthy snack and ups the nutrition in salads
    Peanut butter - yes - it goes very nicely on toast :) and gluten free cookies

    Hope that helps!
  • kuuhristin
    kuuhristin Posts: 24
    Extra-virgin olive oil - YES I use this on everything instead of butter when I can.
    Vinegar - No, It's only me and my fiance' I'm new to the cooking world I haven't needed vinegar yet.
    Canned tuna - always, i love love love tuna
    Canned tomatoes - fresh tomatos always, not canned though
    Oatmeal- yes. it's usually the instant kind though
    Whole-wheat pasta - No, after we run out of the pounds of pasta we have stocked up i'll probably buy whole-wheat though
    Brown rice- yes, instant.
    Whole-wheat flour - no i don't use flower for anything really
    Barley- no that's completely foreign to me.
    Quinoa- sometimes.
    Lentils- nope
    Dried beans - no sometimes canned beans.
    Nuts - yes. i snack on them at work
    Peanut butter - yes i eat peanut butter all the time with apples or celery and peanut butter and honey sandwiches. yum.
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    Extra-virgin olive oil - yes
    Vinegar - yes
    Canned tuna - yes, but haven't eaten lately
    Canned tomatoes - no, fresh ones though
    Oatmeal - yes, but it's for my husband. I don't like oatmeal
    Whole-wheat pasta - yes
    Brown rice - yes
    Whole-wheat flour - no
    Barley - no
    Quinoa - yes
    Lentils - no
    Dried beans - no. I'm not a fan of beans
    Nuts - yes
    Peanut butter - yes, but it's for my husband. I hate PB
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I've got all those in my pantry.

    I've also got candy, chocolate, ice cream, white sugar, white flour/pasta...

    Everything in moderation helps. You can still be overweight eating all the stuff on the checklist.
  • CoffeeLush
    CoffeeLush Posts: 46 Member
    That list really IS my pantry. I work a ton and it can be hard to keep up with cooking my own food. Keeping a variety of staples on hand really helps! I can throw together a quick pasta dish with whole wheat penne, canned tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and a vegetable rather than running across the street for takeout (I sometimes curse that there are at least 20+ dining options within a quarter mile walk from my house).
  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    everything but barley
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    lyndausvi wrote: »
    Extra-virgin olive oil - yes
    Vinegar - yes
    Canned tuna - yes, but haven't eaten lately
    Canned tomatoes - no, fresh ones though
    Oatmeal - yes, but it's for my husband. I don't like oatmeal
    Whole-wheat pasta - yes
    Brown rice - yes
    Whole-wheat flour - no
    Barley - no
    Quinoa - yes
    Lentils - no
    Dried beans - no. I'm not a fan of beans
    Nuts - yes
    Peanut butter - yes, but it's for my husband. I hate PB

    We have one family member who eats plates of crackers or toast with peanut butter.

    I took a quick look at the article--it doesn't specify what type of vinegar. There's white vinegar, but there is also rice vinegar, red wine vinegar, and others.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Extra-virgin olive oil - yes
    Vinegar - yes, balsamico and apple cider
    Canned tuna - yes, but in oil, not water
    Canned tomatoes - yes
    Oatmeal - yes
    Whole-wheat pasta - no, white
    Brown rice - no, white
    Whole-wheat flour - no
    Barley - yes
    Quinoa - not yet, but will try soon (going through millet, buckwheat, tapioka first)
    Lentils - yes
    Dried beans - yes
    Nuts - yes
    Peanut butter - yes

    I feel good about and from eating these things more regularly, so I think they help :)