Been following MFP's plan for 26 days now and lost some, then gained 3 lbs back?

After several years of weight gain that has been very difficult to lose, I've been following the My Fitness Pal's guidelines for 26 days. That's 2 days shy of a month. I have followed the calorie plans exactly, no guessing. I stick to serving sizes on packages and I log every thing faithfully. If I have a "cheat" meal or snack I log it in too. And I still stay within my calorie guidelines. I lost 10 lbs and then discovered I gained 3 lbs back. I know weight fluctuates day to day, especially with women and water retention, so I weighed myself again and discovered the additional 3 lbs are still on. What gives? Frustrating for this to happen, it is starting to feel impossible to lose the weight (sorry for this cringey last bit of whininess, lol. I'm just... frustrated.)


  • pluto2626
    pluto2626 Posts: 31 Member
    Almost ten days out of the month I am around 5lbs higher. Typically around 3 days before TOM and a day or two after. Stay with it, maybe stay away from the scale for ten days or so and then check your progress. You can do this!!
  • phrunch
    phrunch Posts: 115 Member
    How long has the weight been sticking around?

    This may be a case where you just want to wait a few days to a week to see what happens. Hormones can make your weight go all kinds of crazy.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Trust the process, and give it more time. If you're logging accurately enough, it will work! And yes, weight can and does fluctuate a lot, and it can take time to go back down again.

    Stick with it and look at the overall progress - you've lost 7lbs in 4 weeks! That's pretty good going. :)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    FYI - id be THRILLED with 7 pounds in 4 weeks .....

  • wokemel85
    wokemel85 Posts: 9 Member
    edited July 2016
    Measuring cups!!! Thank you all so much for your input. I appreciate it all. And I feel better about losing the 7 lbs now since it seems from the responses that is a good thing. But I especially want to thank you Callitlikeiseeit for your chart. I have been using measuring cups instead of a scale! Looks like I am definitely getting a scale now.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    wokemel85 wrote: »
    Measuring cups!!! Thank you all so much for your input. I appreciate it all. And I feel better about losing the 7 lbs now since it seems from the responses that is a good thing. But I especially want to thank you Callitlikeiseeit for your chart. I have been using measuring cups instead of a scale! Looks like I am definitely getting a scale now.
    Weight loss at the beginning is almost always faster than average and it sounds like you're off to a good start. Definitely get your hands on a scale. How much food you can cram into a measuring cup can vary with the size of the food and how motivated you are to get in as much as you can. :smile:

    Make sure you're weighing everything at the beginning, even the packaged stuff. You'd be surprised how often what the package says is a serving size isn't the size of the serving in the package. I opened a tin of tuna the other day and weighed it after draining. The tin says there's 4 ounces of tuna but the scale said 3.4 ounces. I felt ripped off but at least that wasn't a calorie surprise. A slice of bread can be pretty far off the average size listed on the bag, too.