When to start maintaining??

The past few months my weight loss has slowed. In total I have lost 45 pounds. I'm 135 and 5'5 my goal was 130, however even with tracking really well and starting to run my loss has slowed. I have fat on my abdomen and I just need tips on what to do. I would like to finally be thin, but I'm sick of cutting for almost a year and a half and not losing anymore. (I don't think I'm gaining muscle either)


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Slowed or stopped? You are "supposed" to lose the last bit of weight slowly in the majority of cases.

    I don't know anyone IRL who doesn't have some fat on their abdomen!
    Very few people have a perfect body under their fat suit and are disappointed when they lose weight and don't look like they dreamed they would. That's why maintenance isn't the end, just the end of a phase.

    If you are emotionally and physically tired of dieting then take a deliberate break at maintenance - at the very least a month. Focus on something else other than weight for a while. You can always resume eating at a deficit in the future if those last 5lbs are worth it.

    Have a read of the recomp thread if you are interested in improving your body composition.