Keto and carb re-feed question

Question-- if I carb cheat for one meal weekly, will I go through keto flu again? I know some folks carb re-feed weekly and would assume they are not getting sick each time they do so? Maybe because they are not in true ketogenic state?


  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    The "keto flu" is a couple of states. The more obvious and uncomfortable part is an electrolyte imbalance due to water loss. Sodium gets low and one gets cranky, fatigued, headachy, possibly nauseated, sore muscles and possibly muscle spasms (as potassium and magnesium start getting low too). That part is completely avoidable by taking 3000-5000 mg of sodium per day. A cup or two of broth, salt tablets, or a teaspoon of salt in water everyday will help a lot.

    The second part of keto flu is getting truly fat adapted. Yes, the body switches to ketones for most fuel needs within a day or so, but it takes a at least a month for the body to get to prefer ketones and abandon some of it's previous glucose needs. Because of this, some people will feel their athletic performance is not up to par for a month or so. Once they get through that they will have a greater fat oxidation ability.

    The longer people have been in ketosis, the easier it seems to be to get back in it (the body seems to prefer ketones once it comes to know them). Peter Attia commented in his blog about that once.

    I've noticed it too. On days I eat too many carbs, I may feel a lack of energy for maybe a day while my body is getting back on track, but it isn't a large difference. If I did it weekly, I might notice it more. If I ate excessive carbs, it might make more of a difference too.

    And be aware hat many low carbers who cheat with a large amount of carbs feel pretty poorly for a day of two. Upset stomach, headache and fatigue. It's often called a carb hangover. Many find the cheat meal is not worth how it makes then feel.

    If you are going to do excess carbs, perhaps try to time your meal around exercise so you can get rid of the sugars faster.