Weight loss is a funny thing..



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It's helpful to try and understand where these people are coming from. I often try to rein in any emotional response and rotate the situation around in my head first before reacting. It could save you a lot of unnecessary grief.

    People who love you want you to succeed, so they often offer comments that they think are helpful, encouraging..etc. Some of these comments may sound annoying and unhelpful, like worrying you are restricting too much when you say no to something or worrying you would fall off the wagon if you eat something that isn't typically thought of as a diet food. There is also the case where some people are used to connecting over food, and when you refuse to take part in their food rituals, they feel like your connection with them as a friend/family member is being threatened.

    After you have lost a good deal of weight, you no longer look like you. The person they have known for years is replaced with someone who looks foreign and unfamiliar. Logically they know it's you, but it still isn't connecting. You look much thinner than they would have seen you if you were always thin because they have a frame of reference and continue to compare you to your old size. They aren't purposely trying to sabotage you or bring you down, they're just going through this phase where they are struggling to connect the old with the new. Human nature. I wouldn't blame them. All you need to do is give them some time to adjust to your new look.