How to give yourself a much better chance.

Try as many hobbies as you can think of (wikipedia has a list) and find something that makes time stand still for you.


  • elisemofoo
    elisemofoo Posts: 4 Member
    Find the ultimate "Why" of why you want to do something. If you don't go deep enough to find the intrinsic motivation for your goals-They're not going to work out because you won't have the heart in it to follow through. Going as deep as you can, question EVERY level, will make all the difference.

    For example-
    "I want to be a better runner."
    "Because I want to run a marathon"
    "Because my dad always ran marathons and now he has passed away and I want him to be able to look down and be proud of me and know I can achieve great things in life etc)

    If the "Why" doesn't strike a chord with you-Reforumlate your goal. Doing this will provide a solid base and foundation for the actual goal you want to achieve. You may discover you are just coming up with goals because you're actually running away from something. Find that something-Ask "Why?" And then face it.

    Good Luck!
