Da Butt

I'm about 15 lbs away from my goal weight. The problem is that I really love the way my butt looks right now and I'm afraid as I lose weight it will get smaller. Any tips?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Do a lot of glute work? I purposely got mine flat so I could build it back up with muscle lol. Anyway, you might lose more fat there the area, but if you lift to help preserve lean body mass, it will keep it looking good and in check.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Stop losing weight to keep it as it. Or continue to lose fat, which will likely make it get smaller, but do some sort of resistance training (Strong Curves is a great program) to strengthen your gluten and help shape them in the long term.
  • phrunch
    phrunch Posts: 115 Member
    Yeah.... that's going to happen. But once you're there start lifting heavy things and I bet you'll like it even better.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I've written this before but:

    I love my legs when I am 125, but my butt disappears. Legs like a pantyhose model though, exactly what I'd want if choosing.

    I love my butt when I am 140, but my legs aren't as awesome. They are still lean but don't have that straight at the top shape, there's muscle everywhere, still a good shape but I just love the really slender legs.

    So yes, you may have to choose - you can't keep fat only where you want it. Glutes are really big muscles though, and a good shaped butt (even a small one) has more to do with muscle and lifestyle than most of you. Boobs are luck or money - legs and butt are mostly effort and dedication.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Follow any good, full-body strength program (NROL4W, Stronglifts, etc) and work up to using heavy weight.
    Start now, don't wait till you lose the weight. :+1:
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    BaylorC wrote: »
    I'm about 15 lbs away from my goal weight. The problem is that I really love the way my butt looks right now and I'm afraid as I lose weight it will get smaller. Any tips?

    I have a small bum and when I first began my glute training, my bum got smaller before it began to grow. I was freaking out! Muscle is like a tight ball compared to fat, so that's why this happened.

    I post my glute routine in an other thread. You can find it. My butt is now growing...there is separation between the ham and glute and the shape is nice. I just now need to layer it up. Working on that part lol
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    Follow any good, full-body strength program (NROL4W, Stronglifts, etc) and work up to using heavy weight.
    Start now, don't wait till you lose the weight. :+1:

    This is very good advice. Begin now.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    edited July 2016
    Do you do cardio? I'm pretty lean (low weight) but I've still got a little bit of a butt bump thanks to my elliptical with incline and moderate lifting.
  • reckless1976mj
    reckless1976mj Posts: 7 Member
    Squats are your best friend. All of them. Regular, plie, sumo, one legged, jump, and micro. They will give you that high, tight and round booty!!