Binge eating



  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    edited July 2016
    I've lost almost 65 pounds in under a year and I've been maintaining for a couple months. I still get bingy feeling at times. But mostly when I have eaten too many carbs and not enough protein.

    It does get easier to resist, but it's still there, like a toothache sometimes.

    I gave away all my clothes that I didn't want to fit again, even though some were new and hardly worn on my way down. I did NOT want them to give me permission to binge eat again.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    02172009 wrote: »
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    02172009 wrote: »
    Thanks so much for your story lets do this

    Is this a current photo? You look fabulous! How much are trying to lose?

    Thanks so much. It is my current photo, but I have 60 pounds too lose :neutral:

    I'll take you at your word, but you look thin in this picture to me. Good luck!

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I struggled with binging/grazing for many years; I don't think it would ever have qualified as an eating disorder, but my eating got more and more disordered, in longer and longer periods. I would get "on track", but "off track" again pretty soon. My main problems were that I regarded healthy food as tasteless and got more and more hooked on junk food, and that I had no realistic idea of portion sizes or what "full" meant.

    I needed to get in some structure, so I started planning and eating meals. I started logging in food diary, learnt about "the hunger scale", and discovered that I didn't have to eat until stuffed all the time. I read newer research about nutrition, read and participated in discussions in here - and started challenging my ingrained and narrow concepts of healthy foods and healthy diets, especially my fear of fat. I started to cook more from scratch, and started to like home cooked food, and started to crave variety and fresh food, and started to like cooking. I realized that I'm not an "emotional eater" after all (not more than we all are), and that it's the junk food that triggers binges, eating that can't be satisfied. So now I just buy food for regular meals. Treats are for special occasions, and out of the house.

    Check out what these people have written/said:
    Brian Wansink (Slim by Design - Mindless Eating)
    Mark Schatzker (The Dorito Effect)
    Marion Nestle
    Michael Pollan ("eat food, not too much, mostly plants")
    Isabel Foxen Duke (intuitive eating)
    Ellyn Satter (normal eating)
    David Aaron Kessler (The end of overeating)
    Allen Carr (he taught me to love to wait for food - but I'm not going vegan)
    Eric Schlosser
    David L. Katz
    Michael Moss (Salt, sugar, fat)
    Gillian Riley (Eating less)
    Doug Lisle (The Pleasure Trap, great book; also an entusiastic vegan, still no thanks, I need meat)
    Kelly Brownell
    Kris Gunnars
    Yoni Freedhoff
    Kathryn Hansen (Brain over Binge; a legend in here)

    They have all contributed pieces to the puzzle. I've lost around 50 pounds and maintained for 21 months now.