Newby encouragement wanted.

Hi everyone.

I'm 3 weeks in and looking for encouragement to stick with it. I'm eating 1200 - 1400 a day and I exercise most days, either 30 minutes body weight resistance training or 1.5 hours cardio.

In the three weeks my weight has gone up and down like crazy. My starting weight was 72.6 , it's now 70.6kgs , I'm 173cm tall.

This has been hard for me because I have a background of strict diets like juice fasting etc and have always dropped weight incredibly easy and fast, but obviously because this is unhealthy I gain it all back just as easily. So this time I'm trying to pay attention to clean, quality proper meals and consistent exercises.

I'm really struggling with getting used to slow weight loss and my weight jumping around so much (sometimes up a kg sometimes down)

I'm measuring as well and have lost anywhere from 1-4cm on all areas of my body, I'm trying so hard to focus on that but its hard when you have a 'goal weight' mentality.


  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I juice fasted in the past as well and its easy to slip into the mentality of "I can fast and loose a pound a day" when counting calories is a slow process. I fight it.

    I've decided that this is how I'm going to eat for the rest of my life instead of looking at it as a diet. I started calorie counting about the same time as you and I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight.
  • earthakin66
    earthakin66 Posts: 49 Member
    The scale isn't an accurate measure of much, given how much fluid we retain from day to day. I do weigh myself every day, at the same time reminding myself that the scale isn't final word on anything. I record only the low weights. This allows me to feel the rate of downward progress rather than getting frustrated with the up and down and just saying forget it. I put so much emotional energy into the scale it is really ridiculous. So I agree with the previous poster, focus on making healthy changes for your life and check in with the scale but don't let it control your mind.
  • janetennet
    janetennet Posts: 143 Member
    Yip, losing weight can be tough... I think this post explains it incredibly
    To me as long as I have a downward motion trend, that makes me happy :)
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    I know it's hard. All you are thinking about right now is your weight. It's really hard to not be obsessed about it early into the diet. And it's really hard because it seems so slow to lose weight. The first month is the hardest as fluctuations can make you feel like you are getting nowhere.

    You're not alone in thinking this way, so take comfort in that! But also start to think that in three months time - if you continue to lose at the rate you are - that'll be another 8kg lost, so 10 kg in total. And then in another three months time ... and in another three months time ...

    This time next year you'll be glad you started now and stuck with it. Take a deep breath, relax and accept it will take time but that you will get to your goal.