Weight loss struggle on Lexapro.



  • weightwatcherjoan
    weightwatcherjoan Posts: 9 Member
    Lexapro makes you crave carbs . It's important to make sure that you eat enough lean protein for satiety and eat high fiber carbs to keep you feeling full. Air popped popcorn with a glass of seltzer is great for those cravings. Baked potatoes topped with salsa or buttery spray help too. Watch out for anything that combines white flour, butter and sugar. I lost 36 pounds of antidepressant induced weight gain while on Lexapro. It's hard, but you can do it.
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    I will chime in here with my experience. I have been on lexapro for 2 years and for the first 9 months I did not gain any weight but then suddenly in a period of a few months I gained 30 lbs without changing anything in my diet. Before this I did not have problems with my weight and easily maintained my weight. I have discussed this issue with my doctor and he has found in his experience that weight gain with this medication is possible. Not every person experiences it, but it is possible especially the longer you are on it. But the pros for me in terms of reduced anxiety far outweigh the cons.

    That said, I have been able to lose weight while taking it, it just seems to come off slower and with greater effort. I think it has slowed my metabolism a bit because given my deficit I should have lost more weight given my height and current weight (I do weigh all my food including condiments so my tracking is pretty accurate). So yes, I understand where you are coming from and I understand the frustration BUT weight loss is possible if you stick with it.
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    Also be sure to talk to your doctor about your experience. They will better be able to help you. Maybe a medication change is needed or maybe like me the pros outweigh the difficult weight loss. Health (both physical and mental) is more important than the number on the scale.
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm on a higher than recommended dose of Lexapro. It has helped me tremendously! And I've lost 53lbs since March 29th of this year all while on this medication!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I haven't had an issue taking lexapro while trying to lose weight. It's times like that though - when the scale won't move - that it's time to become a 'food journal nazi". Not just logging your food - but making sure you log everything down to the condiments. Be more strict about the amounts you're logging and not relying on "eyeballing" or "guesstimating" so much. For me - that's what it usually takes.
  • jenngitch
    jenngitch Posts: 190 Member
    I have been on Lexapro for YEARS and am currently on the max dose. My anxiety is under control. Did it make me gain weight? I don't think so. I gained from eating whatever was in sight and being lazy. over the last year I have lost 60 lbs by counting my calories. still on Lexapro....
    JBWILLOW Posts: 108 Member
    Can I ask how you ladies have lost the weight while still taking the lexapro? I'm having a really hard time
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    JBWILLOW wrote: »
    Can I ask how you ladies have lost the weight while still taking the lexapro? I'm having a really hard time

    Nothing super special. I have just been maintaining a consistent caloric deficit. My TDEE is just lower than what is to be expected at my height and activity level. I aim for a 500 calorie deficit each day but it usually ends up being closer to 600 on average.

    As for specifics of what I am eating I don't think it matters too much except for satiety levels and general health and nutrition. I personally aim to eat 1g of protein for every lbs of lean body mass. I let my carbs and fats do what they like. I personally prefer lowish carb(100g) and higher fat but that is just because it works for me and my general hunger levels. I also aim to get exercise everyday and I weight train to try to improve body composition and increase metabolism.

    Above all, I think consistency is the most important thing. I have gone up to 5 weeks without the scale budging (even going up) but I stayed the course and then all of a sudden in a period of a week I would lose 5 lbs. I tried not to let these stalls get to me or set me off course. Now I have just come to expect them. Just stay the course, be consistent, weigh every morsel of food that goes into your mouth, get moving and it will come together.

  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    These meds have a different effect on everyone. On Zoloft I found it impossible to keep a deficit and it was a constant losing battle. I've never taken lexapro but at the moment I'm losing weight on cymbalta (which doesn't usually increase appetite).
    Talk to your doctor when next you see him/her. You might be able to change across to a similar drug which works better for you, without having that wean off/on period.
  • christareid28
    christareid28 Posts: 47 Member
    I agree meds can be a problem but it's still calories in calories out. The meds can increase appetite. I gained a lot of weight on those types of meds. I don't eat if I am anxious so controlling the anxiety I actually ate more. It's easy to blame the meds.
  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    I've been on lexapro and abilify for a very long time. I don't dare stop taking them. I have clinical depression and anxiety disorder. Both help tremendously. Yes, I hve gained weight while taking them--BUT even tho they are what my Dr says are "weight gainers", I noticed, now that I am tracking and trying to get some exercise in, that my eating was pretty off--I am slowly losing weight now. It IS a fight. But the outcome is going to be worth it. I have to track EVERYTHING accurately and that is work, but I can't go off my meds so I am doing the best I can. I can't compare myself to others--what they do how much weight they lose--it's my battle. I do look for motivation in the exercise department. I think that the meds do slow metabolism and I know that even with them I have a low grade depression going on and get discouraged easily. By the way, I am 62 so that makes it even harder.
    Good luck on your journey. You aren't alone.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    edited August 2016
    I took lexapro and it made me lose 20lbs (I was not trying to lose weight). It totally killed my appetite and in the end I had to stop taking it to get it back. If its increasing your appetite then try a different med
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    If you are rigorous enough in measuring and tracking your calories IN and you are certain that they haven't changed, then your calories OUT has changed since starting Lexapro. Maybe your previous anxiety level burned more calories. Maybe your metabolic rate has lowered a bit. Maybe your previous exercise levels were a bit more intense. Whatever it is, you either need to increase your calories burned or eat less. Try decreasing your day's calories by 50 so your weekly deficit changes by 350 calories. 50 calories is a fairly small change, which requires weighing all of your food on a scale.
  • garybpiloy
    garybpiloy Posts: 1 Member
    Is there anyone here who had success once they stopped taking Lexapro? How long did it take to start losing weight?

    I took lexapro for 14 months and gained 20lbs. I've been off it for 12 months now and the weight will not budge! I've tried keto, paleo, Duken diet. I don't eat sugar and always keep carbs low. Exercise is often. I even did a 5 day fast and once I started eating again the few pounds that were lost came right back. The doctors look at me like I"m crazy and said "I'm getting older" and to not worry about it! I'm 32! I know your metabolism slows down but it doesn't fall off a cliff and stop working completely! It makes no sense because all labs are normal. Testosterone is 800, estrogen is in check thyroid etc.

    I'm honestly starting to wonder if I'm going to be stuck like this forever. It's all visceral fat around my mid-section and wouldn't know I gained weight if you looked at my shoulders/arms or legs. Hoping someone can let me in on a secret.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,061 Member
    Everybody is different. Medications affect people differently. I am not the only one that has gained weight on this medication. I am very diligent about watching what I eat and working out 4-5 times per week.

    Why are you asking questions if you reject people's answers? You are convinced it caused your weight gain. So why do you want other people's feedback?

    I've been on multiple SSRIs, Lexapro currently, and it has never made me gain weight. I just lost 18 pounds.
  • Teabythesea_
    Teabythesea_ Posts: 559 Member
    garybpiloy wrote: »
    Is there anyone here who had success once they stopped taking Lexapro? How long did it take to start losing weight?

    I took lexapro for 14 months and gained 20lbs. I've been off it for 12 months now and the weight will not budge! I've tried keto, paleo, Duken diet. I don't eat sugar and always keep carbs low. Exercise is often. I even did a 5 day fast and once I started eating again the few pounds that were lost came right back. The doctors look at me like I"m crazy and said "I'm getting older" and to not worry about it! I'm 32! I know your metabolism slows down but it doesn't fall off a cliff and stop working completely! It makes no sense because all labs are normal. Testosterone is 800, estrogen is in check thyroid etc.

    I'm honestly starting to wonder if I'm going to be stuck like this forever. It's all visceral fat around my mid-section and wouldn't know I gained weight if you looked at my shoulders/arms or legs. Hoping someone can let me in on a secret.

    So you've hopped on just about every fad diet there is, but have you tried counting your calories...? Medications do not cause weight gain unless you're eating too much as a result of taking them. Even then, it's not the medications fault as you control your intake. Your body cannot create something out of nothing, ergo you cannot gain fat without eating an overabundance of calories.

  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I took Lexapro years ago and I gained weight. I wasn't trying to lose at the time and I was frustrated with the gain because I didn't know why when I had a stable weight range.