Sleep Eating

Has anyone else ever done this? I used to do this when i took Ambien but my doc just started me on xanax at night to sleep and now i will wake up out of a dead sleep and go get something to eat. I know what i am doing but seem unable to stop doing it. I do this several times a night and i am so scared of gaining weight. I have been restricting alot during the day because of this. Just wondered if anyone else ever did this?


  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    Have you asked your doctor this, what did they say? At least you say you're aware of this. Is this a habit that has formed, or are you ravenous when you wake, and feel the need to eat?
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Do you think it could be related to not eating enough during the day making you hungry at night? I have seen suggestions on here for locking the fridge and cabinets or installing an alarm.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Are you eating under 1,200 calories a day?
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm having this issue too :( I wake up in a panic to eat.
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    I do this and have done so for years. I'm awake and aware, but my judgment is not. I generally crave carbs and will shove a lot of calories in my face quickly. If fruit is the only thing around, then I eat fruit. It takes longer to eat, is far less calories, and I'm done. If there are cookies or cakes or chocolates around, then I am screwed. I wake up in the morning, remember what I did, feel extremely annoyed, log it, and move on. I have never figured it out beyond keeping those foods out of the house. I did this even before I started losing weight.

  • futureicon
    futureicon Posts: 348 Member
    I've lost so many good pillows this way..
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Waking up and eating is completely different than sleep eating. It is not normal and I urge you to talk to doc ASAP.