What healthier foods do you love???

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
We talk a lot about the foods we used to eat and love but can't have often anymore.

I was wondering what healthier foods you LOVE now and are staples in your diet that you had never even considered in the past? Maybe it will help those new to this lifestyle be daring enough to try these things.

I would say that hummus is a huge staple in my diet now and something I didn't eat in the past.


  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    We talk a lot about the foods we used to eat and love but can't have often anymore.

    I was wondering what healthier foods you LOVE now and are staples in your diet that you had never even considered in the past? Maybe it will help those new to this lifestyle be daring enough to try these things.

    I would say that hummus is a huge staple in my diet now and something I didn't eat in the past.
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    I was such a sugar fiend in the past and now I replace that with berries and fresh Pineapple (extra sweet) it is so yummy. I am also a big Oatmeal fan now.
  • cobra1368
    cobra1368 Posts: 90 Member
    I was such a sugar fiend in the past and now I replace that with berries and fresh Pineapple (extra sweet) it is so yummy. I am also a big Oatmeal fan now.

    If you get extra ripe, extra sweet strawberries, and slice them into your oatmeal BEFORE you microwave it, then add the water and microwave it, the strawberries kind of break down in there and become even sweeter.

    It is so good!! I had some this morning. :bigsmile:
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    Whole Wheat Pitas (replaced 90% of the bread in my diet)
    Sweet Potatoes (replaced white potatoes)
    French Feta Cheese (this has a strong flavor, so less is needed - replaced cheddar)
    Amy's Organic Frozen Food (replaced all the frozen foods I used to take to work)

    I've added: all kinds of beans (I used to avoid beans), ground flax seed (tasteless - good source of omega-3 fatty acids that are normally found in fish, also good source of fiber if you grind your own seeds and cheaper than the oil tablets).

    I used to eat alot of "diet food" and drink diet soda - now I'm focusing on healthy, natural foods - drinking water, avoiding processed, sodium loaded stuff.

    My FAVORITE treat is whole wheat pita toasted, spread with french feta, and cranberry/orange relish - perfect combo of salty/sweet and carbs. Yum!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I :heart: Laughing Cow cheese, whole wheat pasta, turkey burger, almonds, all the yummy recipes that I've found along the way basically.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    hey, check it out. . .great minds think alike, tamim!


  • kitten0puppy
    kitten0puppy Posts: 10 Member
    oh i absaloutely love mangos! they have such a tropical, sweet taste. Kiwis are great too.
    Since my diet ive also started eating natural yoghurt and honey with fruit for my breakfas, delicious!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    ~ 1/2 cup canned pumpkin mixed with 1/2 cup nonfat yogurt, a liberal sprinking of cinnamon and it tastes like pumpkin pie. I'll throw some raw walnuts in it and have it for breakfast.

    ~ I am in love with mashed cauliflower as well (the recipe is: just steam a head of cauliflower until it falls apart, then mash (or blend) it with some olive oil and milk (sometimes I'll use the tiniest bt of half-n-half). It really does taste like mashed potatos. I'll add all kinds of stuff to it as well, like maybe some laughing cow cheese melted on top, or a splash of truffle oil instead of olive oil, or some diced red peppers.

    ~ I love Laughing Cow cheese and would have never tried it before I started this program

    ~ I've always been a baked apple fan, but now I realize that you really don't even need to put sugar on them. Just cinnamon and maybe a sprinkle of unsweetened dried cranberries and it is a real treat.

    I am also with the MFP-er who used to eat tons of diet foods. Now I've switched to healthy versions, even if they are higher fat (no more Cool Whip), and only eat a tiny amount and truly enjoy it.
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    Got to LOVE tuna and chicken!

    I always enjoy bananas, strawberries, and oranges!

    I really like oatmeal with real blue berries on it!
  • mclowers
    mclowers Posts: 1
    When I was a kid I would NEVER touch nuts or seafood. Now I can't get enough. If I don't eat a serving of nuts everyday or fish at least once week I feel out of sorts. I remember not too long ago eating peanut butter and toast for breakfast for a solid month because I could not resists the stuff. I am the same way about fish and seafoods. I have to have a serving at least once a week or I get insane cravings for the stuff.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm not sure how healthy these really are, but I LOVE the Kraft Bagel-fuls, they are sooo good. I can have a bagel with cream cheese (even strawberry cream cheese) for 200 calories with no measuring! Super easy breakfast :)
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I am also with the MFP-er who used to eat tons of diet foods. Now I've switched to healthy versions, even if they are higher fat (no more Cool Whip), and only eat a tiny amount and truly enjoy it.

    It is interesting how things change once you inform yourself, isn't it?? I used to be afraid of anything with fat in it!! I would buy "fat free" crap all the time. Now, while I sometimes still indulge in Breyer's FF ice cream, for the most part I am eating "normal" foods, just less of it!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I hate fat free foods....ick!

    some lites are okay....but I hear you guys w/ the real food...just healthier way!

    I love watermelon, red crunchie grapes, mangos and mango salsa!, berries, pears, fugi apples....love my fruit!

    I love sauted veggies using water and seaonings or low sodium soy/oyster sauces....

    laughing cow is the bomb! thomas' lite multi grain muffins (100 cals and 8 grm of fiber)

    harvest pumpkin soup!!!

    egg beaters, turkey burgers w/ melted swiss cheese, barilla plus pasta made from lentils and has omega 3 and fiber and to me tastes like real pasta ...important for an Italian girl like me LOL....

    pure fruit sorbet

    avacados, ripe tomatos and red onions cut paper thin and marinated in balsamic over grilled salmon

    okay now I'm sooo hungy....lol

  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    avocados, big time! I am eating more veggies on my sandwiches too.

    The other day I had a burger, but piled it with avocado, lettuce, onion, tomato, cucumber. It was SO filling and yummy. A while ago I would have had two burgers. This is WAY healthier.
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    Hey , What is Laughing cow cheese? And where would you find it ? :huh: I have always loved cheese , but really try to , for the most part , steer clear. Something new I discovered that I really like ; fresh snap peas. They are mildly sweet and have a great crunch. :tongue: For me they take the place of potato chips. Other foods I love is tuna and chicken......spinach , broccoli , squash , stewed tomatoes ! All melons are awesome , grape fruit , pears , pineapple and peaches too ! Amonds make a tasty snack. Garbonzo beans and kidney too. Also I have been hearing alot about hummus lately ! How do you do your Hummus?
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey :) I love hommus sooo much. I buy the cedar's sundried tomato and basil one. 2 Tablespoons is 50 calories. I eat it on the Kellogg's All bran Garlic and herb crackers. 18 crackers-120 calories, so 170 for a yummy snack. I also take chicken, flatten it out with a meat tenderizer, spread a layer of hommus on it and a few spinach leaves, wrap it in foil and bake at 350 for about 50 mins..yummmmmy!
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    Thank you lauren for the hummus tips ! I will have to try them both !:tongue:
  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    o im a huge vegetable lover i LOVe artichokes, asparagus, avacados which that might be a fruit and fruits i love watermelon and cantelope.
  • curvylady
    curvylady Posts: 135
    I love Tzatziki......I make it on Sunday and use it as a spread on sandwiches instead of mayo and as a salad dressing. Traditionally it has grated cucumber but often I leave this out as I put sliced cucumber on my sandwich (as well as grated carrot), or put cucumber in my salad.

    My Tzatziki has greek yogurt, chopped mint, 1 finely minced garlic clove, a bit of salt and a bit of lemon juice. There are so many recipes out there. You can grate a seeded and peeled cucumber but make sure you squeeze out all the excess moisture before adding to the yogurt.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hey , What is Laughing cow cheese? And where would you find it ? :huh: I have always loved cheese , but really try to , for the most part , steer clear. Something new I discovered that I really like ; fresh snap peas. They are mildly sweet and have a great crunch. :tongue: For me they take the place of potato chips. Other foods I love is tuna and chicken......spinach , broccoli , squash , stewed tomatoes ! All melons are awesome , grape fruit , pears , pineapple and peaches too ! Amonds make a tasty snack. Garbonzo beans and kidney too. Also I have been hearing alot about hummus lately ! How do you do your Hummus?
    Laughing Cow cheese is low cal(35 calories) cheese wedges... they are small though but very good.
    They are where the other cheeses are.

    Here's the website:

    Here are a few Hummus recipes:



