Stuck in "I need to lose 2 stone but can't get started!" mode

Hi Guys
I'm really looking for some tips from people who have been in the same situation.......I am truly unhappy with having gained over 2 stone over the past couple of years and although I get fed up and down about it I just can't seem to find the motivation to get my head in the right place!! For instance, today I put on a pair of shorts I've not worn since last summer and although I could do them up, they were digging in me, pushing my muffin top over the edge and generally uncomfortable!! This made me feel so fed up but rather than go to the gym I put myself to bed really sorry for myself!! In the past this would have motivated me to do something about it, but this time I just can't get my head in the right place to start


  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    What about your past motivated you to do something, can you remember? What was the environment like? The people? Your current situation back then?
  • kathrine71
    kathrine71 Posts: 5 Member
    I was in a different place back then, I was single, had lots of negative comments about myself and wanted to prove people wrong. Looking back now, the people I was around were very shallow and appearance was everything. Now I'm in a relationship with a wonderful person who loves me for my soul and not because I am a size zero, I'm not as motivated as he never comments negatively about my weight gain. I think my problem now is that I am unhappy about the 2 stone I've gained but not so unhappy I'm motivated to push myself to start. I know once I find my motivation I will be 100% committed...... It's just getting to that point :(
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    This isn't something I'd usually suggest, given that people want to get from A to B, ASAP, but perhaps you'd benefit from starting out eating at maintenance. You'll not lose weight, but you wont gain weight either. And when 'the stars align', so to speak, and you're feeling ready to tackle the world, you can then go about creating a calorie deficit to lose the weight. At least this way, you wont be continuing to gain weight while trying to gather yourself.

    I only have experience with approaching weight loss from a calorie counting perspective (using this site), and if you're not opposed to the idea, I highly recommend getting a food scale and weighing everything. Using the diary here on myfitnesspal, I log (pre-log) all my food, this doesn't take too long, and it keeps things clearly structured.

    When ready, plug in your stats and tell myfitnesspal how much you'd like to lose per week, it'll give you a daily calorie amount to follow, and if you want to eat at maintenance, I think they have an option for that as well.

    All the best. :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Hello, I think that if you would simply starting logging your foods, just do that truthfully, accurately, you'll be started well and good toward understanding how you added the 2 stones and reducing them away painlessly.