In need of hugs and support.



  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Hey you're not the only person going through this! I don't have a lot to lose, I'm kinda short and the weight is s l o w to budge.

    Add to that that I knew that this month would be difficult and I'd probably gain back as I was on vacation for a week and really busy at work so not likely to have time to exercise much. So I KNEW this beforehand.

    So far I've gained probably less than a pound but I think more than anything it's just a psychological block. I feel huge, wibbly, I don't fit into my favourite jeans. I mean I didn't before but it suddenly feels like a big deal and the problem feels insurmountable. Just recommit to this, tell yourself that even if it's going slowly it's going in the right direction. You're doing something and it's better than nothing.

    You can do it! Hang in there, you're getting it right and you know it, you just don't feel it yet!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member

    I love zumba by the way, and everyone jiggles!

    ^^^ THIS

    What i love bout Zumba is that ist non-judgemental (well, the class I go to is!), you don't feel you have to get your knee up behind your head or do 5000 star jumps to keep up . The instructor tells everyone the best way to do it, but says "as long as you're moving you're burning calories, and as long as you're having fun it doesn't matter if you're in time or on the right leg". That's a pretty good philosophy for life, really!
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Always willing to help motivate others. I've logged on MFP for 340 days straight so i'm always here trying to lead by example.