(Posted this in the wrong spot) This entry was from 2wks ago when I started) Hello All!

Good Afternoon,

Today is my very first day using "my fitness pal". Typically I am a very active person. However, I have an ankle sprain and it's ruining my life! That and my addiction to sugary treats. About a year and a half ago I started running. I absolutely fell in love. It is the best workout for me, I love that when I am having difficult times, I can go for a run and its so invigorating and gives me the strength I need. When I started running I was around 150-145pds. About six months later, I was down to 125lb! Now my weight loss was not really the goal I had in mind but man, i felt better than ever before. Once I started adding weight training and more protein to my diet I was at a steady 130 until my injury occurred. About four months ago I sprained my ankle attempting to hold a very challenging yoga pose. (Yes, I should leave that to the experts) I was very irratied and wanted to continue my workouts. I was addicted to working out. I continued to workout. I did not run right away but i did the bicycle, elliptical, rower, hiit workouts-low intensity. So, i keep moving. I continued to push myself. I continued to eat sugary treats like i did before. (when running it didn't seem to effect the scale much) Once I felt my ankle was healed enough I began running again. For the last two weeks I ran with an ankle brace on. It felt so wonderful to be back at it! Until Monday..I was running the trails at the park and my ankle started feeling weak and instead of stopping i continued to push and it let out...i rolled it. It hurt so terribly. (I think more than normal because of the ankle brace) So bottom line, I have gained almost 10 pounds in this uphill battle. I need to stay off my ankle for awhile and really take care of my injury. (ice, compress, elevate, etc.) In this time frame I really need to watch my intake. For, I will not be very active and I'd really like to cut my sugar binges! Its not good for me and it will only be harder in the future.