Adding some spice to my workouts?

Ok so I love lifting. However, I don't feel like the routine I'm doing now gives me that "burn" that it use to. I've added some weights to where I feel like I can handle but it's still not giving me that awesome "burn" feeling. So I want to add new stuff and see some more progress. My goals are to lose fat gain muscle. My routines include compound and isolation movements. For example: leg days consist of body weight squats, deadlifts,weighted squats,calf raises,and some machines that target legs and glutes etc. some background: In the past few weeks ( about 5/6) I've went from a 26.9% bf to a 22.5% ( gets measured professionally) . I eat about 1700 calories a day and "clean" . Any tips or workouts for total body or specific muscle groups that would give me that awesome "burn" feeling would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
