HELP! My medication gives me the munchies

My new medication is sabotaging all the weight i've lost.I dont know what to do it makes me feel like i smoked some weed. I have outrageous munchies and everything tastes good. Even a glass of water tastes heavenly. Real cannabis isn't this bad. I always feel like i'm missing something. Always craving something it doesn't matter if it's sweet, salty or savory. Any tips? something i can snack on all day anytime without sabotaging my weight loss? Thanks xoxox


  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    I really wish I had an answer. I'm in the same boat in regards to medication putting weight on. It doesn't give me munchies, but it has messed with my hormones, so over the last 4 years I have gained 70 lbs. I have 4 months to start losing weight, or I'm off the meds. Which will be really bad.

    The only thing I can suggest is to find vegetables that you really like, and keeps a lot of them in your fridge. Eat fiberous fruits. I always have a bin full of apples at my house. Snack on nuts. Just don't buy anything that WILL sabotage your weight.
    Like I said, I'm in the same boat. So if you figure it out, let me know, lol. Good luck!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Crunchy veggies. Cut them up and put them in a container so they are easy to grab. Drink water and zero calorie drinks. Chew sugarless gum. Brush your teeth after eating.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    It might be worth talking to your doc to see if there is a similar medication that might not have that side-effect (I had to do that when a medication I was on gave me super-intense nightmares and lucid dreams).

    But to satisfy the urge to munch without blowing the cals out of the water, here are some things that help me:
    * I drink TONS of unsweetened herbal iced teas. They are tasty and cal-free, and helps fill me up so there is less room for food. Or water infused with various combinations of things (lemon-lime, lime-cucumber, berries, cucumber-mint, strawberry-basil, apple-lime). Some stores even sell cold-brews so you don't have to boil it and then wait for it to cool.
    * Apples or celery with any type of nut butter. I put the nut butter in a ramekin so I don't eat too much of it, but the process of spreading it onto the fruit/veggie and eating it makes it a snack that takes more time to eat, and it's soooooo good!
    * Tangerines/ clementines- again, these take more time to eat because of peeling them, and you can eat a few without adding too many cals
    * Coconut milk + fresh or canned pineapple chunks frozen = virgin pina colada! Just throw it in a blender and you're done. (I use fresh or canned and freeze it, because pre-bagged frozen fruit doesn't seem very sweet to me). Since it's a cold, frozen drink, this also takes more time to down.
    * Cinnamon apple chips. This takes time to make but you can have a lot for not many cals. Set your oven to 200 degrees. Slice apples (I use sweeter varieties like honeycrisp) very thin (I used a mandoline but you don't have to). Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake for an hour, then flip, and bake another hour. If they aren't done, flip again and check every 20 minutes. Baked apples, or raw apples with cinnamon, are good too.
    * Pinterest- I find tons and tons of recipes for anything and everything on Pinterest. It has truly been a game-changer for me.

    I hope this helps! :)