Levothyroxine and weight GAIN?



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,345 Member
    Helpful information but OP asked this question 4 years ago.
  • staraly
    staraly Posts: 54 Member
    Another Hashi here. The following are a few things to consider.
    If the doc thinks another problem is causing your hypothyroidism, have they done further testing to determine the how? Have they tested for thyroid antibodies, in which case you would have primary hypothyroidism?
    In terms of taking thyroid meds, to get maximum benefit from thyroxine, take in the morning 30-60 minutes before food and at least 60 minutes before caffeine. Caffeine blocks its absorption. Don't take iron or calcium within 4 hours of thyroid meds, or within 2 hours of each other. Both bind thyroxine, and each other, and can significantly reduce dosages of slow release meds. Watch out for multivitamins that contain iron and calcium.
    Do you have any other undiagnosed or unresolved inflammatory conditions? Research shows that inflammation can disrupt the Krebs cycle which can cause unexpected weight gain or difficulty losing so good control of your hypothyroidism and/or identifying other inflammatory conditions is essential. Gastric problems (low stomach acid) are common with hypothyroidism. Your doc wants to test for diabetes because many people with one inflammatory condition have a second one as well, but this approach seems to be more oriented to primary hypothyroidism, hence the question above about testing for antibodies.
    Your reduced quality sleep could well be a major clue. Have you told your doctor about this? You may need to have further endochrine or neurotransmitter testing, especially considering your prolactinoma.
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