22, girl, looking for friends!

Hello everybody! I'm a 22 years old university student. I currently live in Milan, in Italy. I'm looking for some friends to keep me motivated! No matter age or sex, I just want someone to share my healthy choices with. (:


  • pixicles
    pixicles Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, nice to meet you!

    I'm Pixie. I started using this app about a week ago, but never really tracked my food until yesterday.. Mainly because everything I have is homemade and random, so it's hard to note how many grams per ingredient. But hey, I've started to write the recipes down so my calorie, sodium and sugar count is more precise. So here's to trying
  • heyyyyjuliet
    heyyyyjuliet Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Pixie! I also find hard to know exactly how many calories I am eating, as I don't always eat packaged food, but I always try to be as correct as possible like you do (:
  • slikorify
    slikorify Posts: 130 Member
    Hey :)

    Feel free to add me, I'm 22 and just finished university (from the UK). Been using this site for ages and lost around 10 stone but gained back around 2 stone during my final semester so now working on losing that again