had any one cured from diabetes after loosing weight?



  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    I went to the Dr in Jan..I weighed 307.6 Lbs..my prior 3 A1C tests were 6.2, 6.4 and 6.4 and in January I was 7.4. My Dr wanted to put me on Meds but I told him, I would drop some weight and make some changes first.

    I wasted Feb..tried exercising and changing my diet and quit..tried and quit..On Feb 29th I weighed myself and was 308 pounds. I said enough. On March 1st, I put myself on a low calorie diet and starting riding my stationary bike.

    My Dr never said anything about Low Carb..He had told me to "put on my shoes" meaning..Just get ACTIVE! Do something..lose weight.

    I dropped 35 pounds before I saw him on April 28th. I weighed 273 and he was amazed. My A1C was 5.4 He said whatever you're doing keep it up. I have to go see him July 29th for a follow up.

    My last weigh in Monday July 18th was 243.6 pounds. I am hoping for a "clean" bill of health. He had mentioned Fatty deposits in my liver. I may be diabetic, or always have to stay on top of this..but I need no meds at this point.

    I eat plenty of Carbs daily as well. I am just sticking with a healthy diet, and exercise. It's a lifestyle change.

    I wish you all the best!
  • wayne4825
    wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member
    I weighed approx. 310lbs about 7 years ago and my blood sugar levels were between 300-400. I was on medication and started my diet and exercise program and lost almost 65lbs in less than a year. I was able to go oft of my medicine for a few years and just kept it off with good choices. Unfortunately I've gained about 20lbs back and my a1c this past week was 11.4 so I'm kicking myself in the butt and getting back to it. Wish me luck!
  • JeffreyBurkhalter
    JeffreyBurkhalter Posts: 67 Member
    My mother was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 53 in 2001. She immediately educated herself on the disease, began eating better and exercising regularly. Within a year her medications were so minimal they were considered below what someone with clinical diabetes would take. In fact, her doctor told her if she could lose another 10-12 pounds she could most likely come off of the medication altogether. She was already working out so much and eating right, so she told the doctor that it just wasn't going to happen.

    So, long story short, it is definitely possible to minimize the impact on your life.
  • tamaera
    tamaera Posts: 20 Member
    A few years ago my A1C was 9.2 (normal < 5.7, pre-diabetes 5.7-6.4, diabetic > 6.5) which my doctor called "moderately severe" and suggested that I go on medication. I asked him for 90 days to change my lifestyle and see what could be done through diet and exercise. He was more than supportive as he prefers this approach over medication when possible. To make a long story short my last physical was a few weeks ago and I have lost 50 lbs and my A1C is now 6. So I don't know what you consider to be "cured", but I beat it without medication and have it under control so call it what you want.

    My doc has said the same thing. She did tell me that there is a window of opportunity to where yes you can reverse diabetes. She also sent me to a nutritionist/dietitian who told me the BEST thing in the world I can do is lift weights. Says that the muscle does something to the insulin but I honestly forgot what she said shrug. I am starting a Body Beast challenge on Monday and am so looking for to it :) I love weight lifting but stopped last summer after a back injury (not weight lifting related). I will be starting a bit slower on the weights at her and Doc's suggestion but I have until November (90 days) to see what I can do about my health :)
  • ksz1104
    ksz1104 Posts: 260 Member
    I was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last week. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant two years ago, and it was hard enough then to control it. I guess the weight I have put on since then has affected things and I'm convinced that it is why I am now diabetic. Friend me so we can share information through our journey!