How much more weight should I lose?

How much more weight do I need to drop? I'm 5'5 135-137 pounds. I've lost 45 pounds, I'm not confident where I'm at. What can I do extra to flatten my stomach? I run 3 days a week with C25K. I eat at a loss has slowed/stopped and I've tried everything but nothing works.6acob60w4cb0.jpeg


  • sharondjs
    sharondjs Posts: 676 Member
    Congratulations your done so well , Maybe it's time to shake up your exercise do some toning ,build strength,get into a gym and do some weights and some ab workouts or check out Itube there are heaps of good ab workouts to try at home or yoga for toning and core strength
    good luck
  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    edited July 2016
    Unfortunately it is biologically impossible to spot reduce fat (except of course liposuction). So the only way to flatten your stomach will be to continue to lose weight overall and hope it comes off your stomach. You can do as many ab crunches as you like, but you won't see them while there is fat still there (and in order to see abs you need to have quite a low body fat %). Other areas like the arms and legs may look better with more muscle built while still having a layer of fat over top. But again there will be no definition while there is still a substantial layer of fat over top (not that you have a lot of fat, just defined muscle = low body fat %).

    Well done on your great progress, you should be proud of yourself. You've come a long way.
  • Rebekah_89
    Rebekah_89 Posts: 61 Member
    emjam99 wrote: »
    How much more weight do I need to drop? I'm 5'5 135-137 pounds. I've lost 45 pounds, I'm not confident where I'm at. What can I do extra to flatten my stomach? I run 3 days a week with C25K. I eat at a loss has slowed/stopped and I've tried everything but nothing works.6acob60w4cb0.jpeg

    Good job on your weight loss success! May I ask how long did it take to lose the 45lbs? Just informational.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited July 2016
    emjam99 wrote: »
    How much more weight do I need to drop? I'm 5'5 135-137 pounds. I've lost 45 pounds, I'm not confident where I'm at. What can I do extra to flatten my stomach? I run 3 days a week with C25K. I eat at a loss has slowed/stopped and I've tried everything but nothing works.6acob60w4cb0.jpeg

    Do you do any resistance training?

    Any weight loss will be sloooooooow.... I am the same height as you and 138lbs and want to lose 5-7 lbs so get to my happy weight.

    Aim to lose half a pound a week and be consistent.
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    As much weight as you need to feel comfortable! I'm 5'4 and 128-130 pounds (my weight can't make up its mind lol) and I'm still not comfortable with myself, especially in the stomach area. My ultimate goal is 115-120. It's kinda impossible to say how much you should lose because we don't know what weight you would feel comfortable at :) My weight loss has slowed down too, it's supposed to slow down the more weight you lose. Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    What is in your exercise plan other than C25K? What are you doing the other 4 days/week?

    If you are not lifting, you should be.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    That's up to you. I'm an inch shorter than you and in my profile pic I weigh the same. Weight-lifting really helps with body composition, if you do it while dropping a few more pounds you will see fantastic results.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Personally, I reccomend some resistance training. Im partial to lifting yhe heavies free weights i can, but a d resistance training (including body weight training) will help signficantly!

    Btw....congrats on your loss! You look great!
  • elaineously
    elaineously Posts: 40 Member
    edited July 2016
    I used to do pilates and it did wonders to whittle down my waist and help it look longer and leaner. By the way I think you look great!
  • Sjs8906
    Sjs8906 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the suggestions to add in some resistance training. You look great! But if you still feel like you would like to tone some areas that's what I would suggest.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    good job on the weight loss!