Just finished 30 day shred!

Found it harder than I thought I would as i do a lot of exercise already and thought I was pretty fit. Did it every day Apart from if id done some other heavy exercise. Didn't lose any weight or inches (except half an inch from my thigh) but I didn't do the specific diet and have been building my calories back up at the same time as I've hit my target weight (for now) so maybe that's why (though its a bit disappointing still). Happy to have stuck to it though and I'm sure it must have done some good. Thinking of doing the Ripped in 30 days now as that is meant to be pretty good for toning (i especially want to target my midsection) but if anyone has any other suggestions would be glad to hear them as I need to tone now rather than lose more weight (though wouldn't be sad if a bit more weight came off anyway!). Will probably only do it 3 days a week as I run, cycle and do kickboxing and Pilates too. Am slightly concerned I won't be able to keep all of this up and then will slide back on the weight. But am enjoying it for now so will cross that bridge as/when I come to it.


  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I like Jillian's No More Trouble Zones for toning. I used some of her exercises there in Shred when they became easier (re abs)
    I found that a Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout made me lose weight faster than Shred. It was labeled "Intermediate/Advanced" and had some similar exercises, some seemed harder, some easier, but it was 25-30 minutes and had had extra lower/upper body movements. I love Pilates, it will tone that tummy if you keep it up and your back.
    I didn't like Ripped, they way she spoke and acted seemed to me at the time, geared to a younger set, she joked about modifications as being "gifts". Maybe it was my mood, but I moved on to her "Boost Metabolism" DVD and a Kelly Coffey toning DVD. She has some tough ones you might want to check out.

    You sound well on your way to good health, mostly fine-tuning. As long as you keep moving, changing it up when you can, it seems like you will do fine whatever you choose to do.
  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108
    Thanks for posting. I am starting to use Jillian's dvd's today hoping to lose some inches around my waist.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i to am at my target weight and want to tone up more then anything. I am currently doing clx as i figured i need to work on strength training more so then cardio to lose the body fat and get definition. I can see some definition but i haven't seen the toning or body fat loss as i thought i woudl of by now? just finished my 3rd month of it.