I really need that 3 sec left to win the game speech

I was doing good for awhile went from 245 to 206 now back to 226 just lost focused bc of work and temptation around me but im back to me just don't know if I can do it again continue to lose besides my goal of being 220 by Oct 1 seems impossible


  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    Nothing is impossible my friend. You've done it before, you will get there again. Go back to what got you there the first time. Say no to the temptations - it feels good, and keeps getting easier to do.
  • lenoresdream
    lenoresdream Posts: 522 Member
    Stay strong! It's not impossible! For the past 4 weeks I've been doing so much overtime I hadn't been able to get into the gym. My spirit broke and I started eating junky again.

    Yesterday I told myself I'm gonna start over, had to remind myself why I started, had to get real.

    Got my *kitten* up this morning, got to the gym before work and got the right food set up again last night because prepping my meals the night before helps me stay in my calories.

    I'm a complete stranger so my words my not mean much, but I believe in you! Get real again, get strong, remind yourself why you started.

    Dig deep and find whatever got you started in the first place.

    You can do it! Stay strong! <3