TV shows such as BL and Losing w/Jillian

jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I was having a discussion on Facebook on the Losing it with Jillian page about the unrealistic expections of the people on the shows losing 50-55lbs+ in just 8 weeks and shows like The Biggest Loser that the people lose 8-10lbs a week, that this sets an unrealistic image to what weight loss should be, and it can actually discourage the average person trying to lose weight.
Any thoughts, agree or disagree?


  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I think the average is 2 lbs a week. I have always heard that if you lose too much too fast you will just gain it back.
  • Thick80
    Thick80 Posts: 29 Member
    I was thinking the same thing when I watched Jillian last night. Everything I read says 2 lbs. a week is the max to lose safely but on these shows they lose 5 times that sometimes. It makes me less excited about losing 1-2 lbs in a week when I see that!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I think the average is 2 lbs a week. I have always heard that if you lose too much too fast you will just gain it back.

    The people last night on losing it with Jillian lost 50-55lbs in 8 weeks, and it had a sound byte during the montage of the kid on the show saying he was mad at himself for only losing 3lbs in one week...
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I agree. Those shows motivate and depress me at the same time. LOL. I still like them because they give you good ideas for working out, and also teach you to push yourself. It also shows that LARGE people can do it, and can be successful!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    It doesn't discourage me because I know that is not normal... not to mention I *know* I'm not working as hard as they are! I don't watch just because Jillian annoys me! I have known people who have been in "Biggest Loser" competitions (under doctor supervision) who have lost the amounts of weight on the show... but I also know they were working much harder than the average person is able to do to do so!
  • georgette70
    georgette70 Posts: 158
    After watching Losing it with Jillian Michaels last nite, I have been thinking about what motivates the family members to lose the 40-50 lbs in the 8 week period. I wondered if they only receive the $50,000 IF they lose the weight. If so, isn't she then essentially paying people to lose weight??? I don't find the shows discouraging based on the amount of weight lost in a short period of time...I' m quite happy going at my own pace. Having said that, I might pick up the pace if offered a huge sum of money in 8 weeks!!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Agreed! To be honest, I can't help but wonder if there is something a bit dodgy about the show like maybe it is filmed over a longer period than they let on.

    The reason I say that is that in the early seasons (sorry I am referring to the Australian version) people started with a weight loss of about 5-6kg in the first week which you would almost expect when someone very overweight begins an intense program but after that they were losing 2-3kg per week which I think is reasonable considering how much exercise they are doing.

    Then in later seasons they are all losing 6-15kg per week! That just seems insane and not really physically possible. I mean ok, you could be losing water but then at some point you would rebound.

    Whether it is an honest show or not, the weight loss amounts are motivating at first then very unmotivating when you can't achieve that. I think it's disgusting that they get on the scales and only lose say 4kg (that's a lot!!) for the week and then the trainer gives them a pep talk on how to better their 'slow' weight loss.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    How they can lose so much in one week really confuses me. They can't be consuming 1200 calories, can they? I also wonder if they end up with more excess skin because of the rapid weight loss. I thought losing slowly helps prevent that somewhat. (that's what I'm hoping anyway.)

    On another note they really seem happy at the end and I like watching the last show.
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Funny that you should mention that, as this morning when I went to weigh myself and found that I had not lost any weight, thought I should find out about her website and see if I can get some of those results or check and see if any one from mfp is following her program since it costs money to do so.....Thinking maybe that's what I need. Or maybe after watching all those shows on TV I am setting myself up for failure. These stars on these types of shows also sell things, so sometimes it's hard to know if it's something that will help us, or just their bank accounts. We have always heard about too rapid weight loss and the regaining of it. I'm not so much wanting rapid weight loss, just some weight loss... For me it's not in the food I'm eating or exercise as much as how over the decades of dieting I have killed my metabolism and I know she deals with that sort of stuff.......
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    After watching Losing it with Jillian Michaels last nite, I have been thinking about what motivates the family members to lose the 40-50 lbs in the 8 week period. I wondered if they only receive the $50,000 IF they lose the weight. If so, isn't she then essentially paying people to lose weight??? I don't find the shows discouraging based on the amount of weight lost in a short period of time...I' m quite happy going at my own pace. Having said that, I might pick up the pace if offered a huge sum of money in 8 weeks!!

    They basically are paid 50k to be on the show
  • georgette70
    georgette70 Posts: 158
    After watching Losing it with Jillian Michaels last nite, I have been thinking about what motivates the family members to lose the 40-50 lbs in the 8 week period. I wondered if they only receive the $50,000 IF they lose the weight. If so, isn't she then essentially paying people to lose weight??? I don't find the shows discouraging based on the amount of weight lost in a short period of time...I' m quite happy going at my own pace. Having said that, I might pick up the pace if offered a huge sum of money in 8 weeks!!

    They basically are paid 50k to be on the show

    Do they get the 50K regardless of weight loss or do they need to ensure they meet their weight loss committment?
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    After watching Losing it with Jillian Michaels last nite, I have been thinking about what motivates the family members to lose the 40-50 lbs in the 8 week period. I wondered if they only receive the $50,000 IF they lose the weight. If so, isn't she then essentially paying people to lose weight??? I don't find the shows discouraging based on the amount of weight lost in a short period of time...I' m quite happy going at my own pace. Having said that, I might pick up the pace if offered a huge sum of money in 8 weeks!!

    I was reading online about one of the former BL contestant "claiming" that the biggest loser pushes the people into dehydation and injury and I think she even said that some of the weighins were actually longer than a week and the show is greatly fabricated... interesting perspective
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    After watching Losing it with Jillian Michaels last nite, I have been thinking about what motivates the family members to lose the 40-50 lbs in the 8 week period. I wondered if they only receive the $50,000 IF they lose the weight. If so, isn't she then essentially paying people to lose weight??? I don't find the shows discouraging based on the amount of weight lost in a short period of time...I' m quite happy going at my own pace. Having said that, I might pick up the pace if offered a huge sum of money in 8 weeks!!

    They basically are paid 50k to be on the show

    Do they get the 50K regardless of weight loss or do they need to ensure they meet their weight loss committment?

    So far everyone has met the goal and has gotten the money, so no way to know for sure
  • I love both shows and it doesn't bother me that they lose those numbers each week it actually motivates me because I know that if I had the time and dedication like them I would get those same results however since I don't I should atleast push hard to hit the 2lbs a week which is a healthy realistic loss. Any of us can lose those rapid numbers and keep it off it's just the matter of determination. Because as you see many of them keep it off and there are a few that put it all back on that will be the same for all of us doing it the slow and steady way as well some will keep it off and unfortunately some will put it back on!!!!:cry:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    How they can lose so much in one week really confuses me. They can't be consuming 1200 calories, can they? I also wonder if they end up with more excess skin because of the rapid weight loss. I thought losing slowly helps prevent that somewhat. (that's what I'm hoping anyway.)

    On another note they really seem happy at the end and I like watching the last show.

    Oh, I can tell you "how" - THEY DON'T HAVE LIVES!! If you didn't go to work, spend time with family or friends, or have to clean house or run errands (the list goes on) and JUST worked out ALL DAY, you'd also lose significantly more than you are now when you're having to juggle your life and time. Having your meals restricted and planned for you prob'ly helps too....
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    I never realised they got paid for it ,just thought the winner got the prize money ,they lose a huge amount every week as all they seem to do is exercise like maniacs from they get up until they go to bed on BL ,have to say I love watching it .
    I dont like the UK version as much as the American one .
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I never realised they got paid for it ,just thought the winner got the prize money ,they lose a huge amount every week as all they seem to do is exercise like maniacs from they get up until they go to bed on BL ,have to say I love watching it .
    I dont like the UK version as much as the American one .

    I dont know if BL people get paid, but on LWJ the family gets 50k at the end of an episode
  • After watching Losing it with Jillian Michaels last nite, I have been thinking about what motivates the family members to lose the 40-50 lbs in the 8 week period. I wondered if they only receive the $50,000 IF they lose the weight. If so, isn't she then essentially paying people to lose weight??? I don't find the shows discouraging based on the amount of weight lost in a short period of time...I' m quite happy going at my own pace. Having said that, I might pick up the pace if offered a huge sum of money in 8 weeks!!

    From my understanding they are unaware of the prize so they are just motivated to lose the weight!!!
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    I dont know if BL people get paid, but on LWJ the family gets 50k at the end of an episode
    BL contestants actually get paid per episode. So a person like Daris last season gets a healthy nest egg even though he didn't technically 'win' any money. (I have connections with a good friend of Daris that was even in a few scenes with him last season.)
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I don't think anything's wrong with it as long as the shows are responsible in highlighting the amount of work they are putting into it. Most of us don't have 5-8 hours a day to exercise! Once the viewers are cognizant of that, they can do the math.
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