Plexus Products



  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    edited August 2016
    I think its shameful how MLMs like Plexus will tell people it will help medical conditions. It's one thing to say they help you lose weight (if they put you in a calorie deficit, then arguably they're helping you lose weight), but it's morally reprehensible how they will tell you that it can help medical conditions.

    First of all guys, PLEXUS DOES NOT SAY THEY WILL HELP WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS. The people who say that are the ambassadors who try and upsell the product. My boyfriend works in compliance at plexus and they have a team that is constantly looking for people on social media sites who do this, and they tell them they have to remove it. Plexus USED to be a weight loss supplement that did in fact help people lose weight. Now they are more towards health supplements and vitamins. They actually just did a study to where if you take the pink drink like you're supposed to, you will lose weight. But plexus itself does not advertise that it helps with medical conditions.

    If there were a weight loss supplement that actually did make people lose weight, everyone would know about it and the company would be rich. There are no weight loss pills that work AND are safe to take. Right now it's always one but not the other.
  • nancyhemphill62
    nancyhemphill62 Posts: 3 Member
    Very true we do not claim to cure, treat, or prevent any disease.
    There are thousands of people who have found benefit in using these products including myself.
    I am a believer☺
  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    I wouldn't drink that vomitous "pink drink" if it was served from the Holy Grail, and I can't decide if those hysterically smiling snake-oil salesmen on Facebook, who take their pics hiking/camping/seeing Santa/etc., "pink drink" in hand, are more absurd, annoying, or hilarious. Probably equal measures of each.