Week 5 of new program - gaining weight



  • mckenzie
    mckenzie Posts: 21 Member
    ammo7 wrote: »
    mckenzie wrote: »
    I do have a scale that I use when logging. I haven't been logging on the weekends because I've been traveling
    mckenzie wrote: »
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    I just wanted to weigh in about not logging on weekends, in case it helps you to be motivated to track your calories consistently even while you're traveling.

    If you're aiming for a 1lb loss per week, then your daily deficit is set up to be 500 calories per day. But if you only stick to this deficit for 5 days out of 7, then you would be on track to lose about 0.7lb per week.

    It's so easy to consume more calories than we expect if you eat out at restaurants - for me, those tasty meals definitely have more calories than my homemade versions! And the bigger portion sizes too! So if you were to stick to your deficit of 500 calories each weekday, but over eat by 500 calories each day of the weekend, then you would only have enough of a deficit for around 0.4lb per week.

    It's so easy for some unplanned meals on the weekend to wipe out the results of our good efforts during the week. But if you stick to your calorie goal every day then you'll see your results happen over time :)

    Great advice :smile: It'll be difficult to whip out the scale when at friends houses for meals and out at restaurants, but I realize now I have to be much more conscious of what I'm eating on the weekends if I want to start seeing good results!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    mckenzie wrote: »
    ammo7 wrote: »
    mckenzie wrote: »
    I do have a scale that I use when logging. I haven't been logging on the weekends because I've been traveling
    mckenzie wrote: »
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    I just wanted to weigh in about not logging on weekends, in case it helps you to be motivated to track your calories consistently even while you're traveling.

    If you're aiming for a 1lb loss per week, then your daily deficit is set up to be 500 calories per day. But if you only stick to this deficit for 5 days out of 7, then you would be on track to lose about 0.7lb per week.

    It's so easy to consume more calories than we expect if you eat out at restaurants - for me, those tasty meals definitely have more calories than my homemade versions! And the bigger portion sizes too! So if you were to stick to your deficit of 500 calories each weekday, but over eat by 500 calories each day of the weekend, then you would only have enough of a deficit for around 0.4lb per week.

    It's so easy for some unplanned meals on the weekend to wipe out the results of our good efforts during the week. But if you stick to your calorie goal every day then you'll see your results happen over time :)

    Great advice :smile: It'll be difficult to whip out the scale when at friends houses for meals and out at restaurants, but I realize now I have to be much more conscious of what I'm eating on the weekends if I want to start seeing good results!

    You don't have to take the scale with you but you do have to be honest and truthful when guesstimating and log on the high side. Once you weigh things for a while you can get a good handle on guesses.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    mckenzie wrote: »
    ammo7 wrote: »
    mckenzie wrote: »
    I do have a scale that I use when logging. I haven't been logging on the weekends because I've been traveling
    mckenzie wrote: »
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    I just wanted to weigh in about not logging on weekends, in case it helps you to be motivated to track your calories consistently even while you're traveling.

    If you're aiming for a 1lb loss per week, then your daily deficit is set up to be 500 calories per day. But if you only stick to this deficit for 5 days out of 7, then you would be on track to lose about 0.7lb per week.

    It's so easy to consume more calories than we expect if you eat out at restaurants - for me, those tasty meals definitely have more calories than my homemade versions! And the bigger portion sizes too! So if you were to stick to your deficit of 500 calories each weekday, but over eat by 500 calories each day of the weekend, then you would only have enough of a deficit for around 0.4lb per week.

    It's so easy for some unplanned meals on the weekend to wipe out the results of our good efforts during the week. But if you stick to your calorie goal every day then you'll see your results happen over time :)

    Great advice :smile: It'll be difficult to whip out the scale when at friends houses for meals and out at restaurants, but I realize now I have to be much more conscious of what I'm eating on the weekends if I want to start seeing good results!

    I don't take my food scale to restaurants or friends houses, that would be a little too over the top. I guesstimate as best i can on those occasions.