Getting to know the MFP community

Hello, I've been using MFP for many months and have a total of 1 friends (womp). I would love to add people that are like-minded (inspirational, ambitious, determined and all about their fitness). Tell me a bit about yourself and what made you decide to join My Fitness Pal. For me it was the fact I had no self control over my diet and through out the years simply racked on the weight. :/


  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    What made me join MFP was a friend invited me and I fell in virtual love! Lol
  • sherry666
    sherry666 Posts: 36 Member
    Feel free for anyone to add me, could always use more encouragment!
    I joned MFP after reading about it on Reddit. I couldn't believe the scale one day when it read 213lbs. I knew it was bad, but not THAT bad. I had always told myself "I'll lose weight sometime.... maybe I'll start next month" and made excuses like "well summer-time is too hot to exercise, so i'll start in the winter" and "well that one piece of cheesecake isn't going to make me gain THAT much weight", etc. After reading posts on Reddit's Loseit and Progresspics, etc I thought hey; why not give it a whirl. Can't lose if you don't try, right? The time is going to pass by anyway, so why not try and lose a few pounds like these amazing people on here have?
    Not going to lie: it was HARD at first. Complete change to my diet and lifestyle. I counted calories like my life depended on it, and turned a spare bedroom into a gym that I spent countless hours in. I took it one day at a time, that's all I could do. And wouldn't ya know it, that winter I lost 50LBS! I was so amazed and shocked... I didn't think it was possible for me to lose that much. I loved how much better I felt, I loved the way my boyfriend looked at me, and loved the compliments. But most of all, I was starting to love ME; something I've always struggled with. I proved to myself I could do it. I was stronger than I thought.

    I ended up slacking off bigtime from last summer to this summer and gained back 20lbs... but now I'm back at it and not giving up until I reach my goal.
    P.S. > sorry for the long post :tongue:
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Just had my second son in May and I am working on getting this weight off :)
  • Feel free to add me as well. I joined MFP for a couple of reasons. 1 - accountability, I needed to hold myself accountable for my mistakes in the past that have led me to where i am now. I find MFP communities to give me the appropriate encouragement and kick in the *kitten* I need from time to time. 2 After trying a lot of fitness and calorie counting apps, this one works the way I want it too.
  • freexer
    freexer Posts: 5
    You can add me too. I joined to help track protein grams and calories to make sure I get enough daily. I recently (June 26) had the gastric sleeve procedure done. I need to lose 120 lbs to reach my ideal weight, and have lost 19 before finding this website. I would like to also find others who have had the gastric sleeve surgery to compare notes. This site has the most flexible options on portion size, which is helpful.
  • I joined MFP because I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! I figured if I joined, I could always have the support of others and it would make me more aware of the things I put into my body. Because of this site, I am making better choices and have managed to lose almost 60 lbs. I have a ways to go but reading other peoples posts and stuff encourages me! Feel free to add me, if you'd like =)
  • msfine2328
    msfine2328 Posts: 73 Member
    Feel free to add me. I joined last year or so because I didn't want to pay for WW anymore (though I think it is a great program). I want to get fit for myself and feel better about myself. Its also helps my 15 year reunion is coming up. I had lost a good chunk of weight before and then started slacking off. Need to get back at it and friends would help:bigsmile:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've forgotten how I heard of MFP now, but I joined because I wanted to log what I ate. I'd already been losing weight for a year after my 2nd child when I joined MFP last July, so I was already exercising loads and eating healthily. MFP has been great as it's taught me that I don't need to starve on 1200 calories a day.

    I've lost 66lbs since I started weight loss in July 2011, and am a UK 12(US 8) now. I love the support on here from everyone.