Weight loss shakes

Im on vacation right now, so its been easy to stay on track. I go back to work in 3 weeks and thats when my eating habits go bonkers... I was thinking maybe I shud try weight loss shakes to help me stay full and curb my hunger for a few hours.. can anyone recommend something?


  • all_in_the_game
    all_in_the_game Posts: 39 Member
    Dragon fruit smoothie will help you keep full for a longer period. It is high on fiber and low in calories.
  • michaelabrait
    michaelabrait Posts: 10 Member
    I like the omnihealth shakes at Walmart mixed with soymilk ☺️
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Certain foods will not help you lose weight. However some people, myself included, find shakes/smoothies as a way to get in essential macro/micronutrients.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Shakes don't really do that good a job to satisfy - no chewing, less nutritious than real food. Instead, why don't you try to emulate some of the habits and environment that keeps you on track while on vacation?
  • janetennet
    janetennet Posts: 143 Member
    Jeepers! you seem to have the complete opposite problem to me - holidays and weekends are my worst because I'm out of my work time routine.
    Why not try preparing your food for the week and falling into an eating routine rather that relying on shakes? My old dietician once asked me why I would want to drink the calories in a shake rather than eat the calories in actual food - which fills you up more for way less calories.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited July 2016
    Would you consider a protein bar or a protein shakes?
    For me, they keep me fuller than those meal replacement shakes. And often they have half the calories.
    Or you could have high protein foods with veggies on the side.
    More: One time I looked at nutrition on a slim fast shake. 19 grams of sugar.