When I do well, no weight loss. WHY???!!??!?!?!?!



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    What does the measuring tape say? I'm up 3lbs in 2 weeks but down a bra size, shoe size, 2 inches gone around waist and no acne.

    I'm curious... a shoe size??

    Water weight most likely.
  • LoriMcDole
    LoriMcDole Posts: 19
    I seriously am eating what it says. I know it is really low.... but eating fruits and veggies...it is really hard to add up calories! I have been trying to go raw. I slip up some days... and the really low day, I just didn't feel well...thus I didn't eat much. And I swear... I can only put in so many veggies! haha Some days it feels as though I am gorging on them. I see these people who eat raw, and they are TINY...and they are eating in a day, more than I could eat in a week. I really DON'T want to add animal products back. But I really wouldn't know how else to get the calories up. Thanks for all your replys! I can use all the help I can get! :)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Ok. Here it goes and you probably won't like what I have to say...

    You have a goal to lose 133lbs. That will more than likely take 1.5 - 2 years if you lose it in a healthy way. Do you really think you can keep eating the way your eating and feel good for that period of time? And then when you do reach your goal, when you do start adding things back in and your body is used to the low calorie diet you've been putting it through for an extended period of time, do you think you'll have an easy time keeping it off? I'd think if you had 10-20 pounds to lose I'd say keep going on the raw diet, but I really don't think it's healthy for you and you are going to hit a plateau HARD once your body figures out you are starving it.

    I have no suggestions about what to eat because I'd never even dream of doing a raw diet. I chose to eat Gluten-Free (for a health issue) and that's hard enough and I only have 10 more pounds (after re-gaining some during the winter). Find something you know you can stick to for a long period of time. A lifestyle. Not a diet.
  • dgb26
    dgb26 Posts: 77
    I weigh myself everyday.

    I typically see a good weight loss for 3 days consecutive, followed by a small weight gain for a day or two. Granted the weight losses and gains are normally between 0.2 and 1 lb., but there is no doubt in my mind that water retention is the reason for the gains.

    Today is a perfect example. I weighed in this morning +1 lb over yesterday, despite going to the gym, walking the dog, and eating the right number of calories. HOWEVER, one of the things I ate yesterday had a very high sodium content (2600mg) which is nearly 2 days worth of salt for me. I think the extra sodium created water retention and the extra one pound gain at today's weigh-in.

    If you have an up day, simply go sweat it out! Cardio, or laying in the sun...doesn't matter.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ok. Here it goes and you probably won't like what I have to say...

    You have a goal to lose 133lbs. That will more than likely take 1.5 - 2 years if you lose it in a healthy way. Do you really think you can keep eating the way your eating and feel good for that period of time? And then when you do reach your goal, when you do start adding things back in and your body is used to the low calorie diet you've been putting it through for an extended period of time, do you think you'll have an easy time keeping it off? I'd think if you had 10-20 pounds to lose I'd say keep going on the raw diet, but I really don't think it's healthy for you and you are going to hit a plateau HARD once your body figures out you are starving it.

    I have no suggestions about what to eat because I'd never even dream of doing a raw diet. I chose to eat Gluten-Free (for a health issue) and that's hard enough and I only have 10 more pounds (after re-gaining some during the winter). Find something you know you can stick to for a long period of time. A lifestyle. Not a diet.


    You NEED to eat more calories. You're not doing your body ANY favors at the moment by eating so few calories.