Diet vs Exercise

Hi everyone! So I stared using MFP a couple weeks ago and had a little bit of a rough start. I was wondering how many of you focus more on better eating then exercising? I am trying to get my diet under control and in a better place before I start working out more because I know I tend to give up when I try to make a lot of changes all at once. I still have days where I go a little off and I havent really lost any weight except for 2 lbs since and that gets me down a bit but I am trying to not let that scale get me down. One thing I struggle the most with is sweets in the evening..anyone have tips on curbing those cravings? I have also latest tried to get myself walking more too.


  • USLJH10
    USLJH10 Posts: 22 Member
  • scoii
    scoii Posts: 160 Member
    The difference between a good meal and a bad meal is, for example, 500 calories. 3 meals and snacks could be 1500 calorie difference. Much more in the morbidly obese.

    Half an hour of strenuous exercise is 200 calories.

    Get the diet sorted. Exercise is a bonus and is fun

  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    Diet. Because it is far easier to cut out a few hundred calories from your diet than it is to burn a few hundred calories, this gets more and more true the more weight you lose as you expend less energy the less you weigh.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I focus on both. Have been since the very beginning and diet and exercise are dual goals for me.
  • juanitagardner07
    juanitagardner07 Posts: 43 Member
    I think both is important. You say you love your sweets... I am a firm believer on not depriving yourself of all of the stuff you love. Eat it in moderation and budget it in to your calories for the day. I have found jello chocolate pudding that is only 60 calories... when I really want some chocolate that is my go to, if I have "extra" calories for the day.. You have to remember, don't make this change so strict that you end up quitting.. This is a lifestyle change not a "diet". :)
  • cain120
    cain120 Posts: 12 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I have a friend that is a personal trainer and she always tells me diet is 80% of losing weight. I have a horrible sweet tooth and definitely eat way too much sugar. I roller skate for an hour and a half twice a week and feel like I would be in better shape if I would get my eating under control. I do want to increase my exercise and fitness as well but diet is my biggest struggle and main focus.
  • Derek_McC
    Derek_McC Posts: 63 Member
    Diet first and then add in the exercise as you are able.
  • sallyhilton106
    sallyhilton106 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I am new to the app. Find exercise you enjoy and then you will look forward to doing it. Brushing my teeth helps as snacks don't taste so nice after
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I'm nursing a bad knee now so I'm focused solely on diet. I lost 105 pounds at one point and my regimen was probably, 80-90% diet and 10-20% exercise.

    Exercise didn't help me lose weight directly but it definitely improved my appearance and mood. Plus, it helped me have a more moderate approach to eating, less of that dieter's black and white thinking. Exercise is great but it's not necessary for losing weight. For me, it's more essential for weight maintenance.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 963 Member
    Congratulations on the 2-pound loss! Great start.
  • BillMcKay1
    BillMcKay1 Posts: 315 Member
    Weight loss is all about the energy equation. Any weight loss is going to be a combination of fat,muscle and water. The benefit of the exercise (especially resistance/weight training) is it helps to limit the amount of muscle loss.

    Another benefit of exercise is it gives you some extra calories to eat while still maintaining that deficit. That can go a long way in helping you feel full and satisfied, which in turn helps you stay on the calorie deficit.