Nearing goal weight

Hi, I've lost 50lb on a very low cal diet and I'm getting near maintaince now but I'm a bit worried as to how I'll maintain, I love my shake at breakfast so I was wondering if anyone had used a protein shake for breakfast and then eaten sensibly the rest of the day, I'm very carb sensitive so don't want to go back to eating too many carbs as the weight will pile back on.
Thanks for your thoughts on this


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,792 Member
    Sure, why not keep doing what's been working?

    IMO, the weight loss process should be practice for how to maintain a healthy weight permanently. So it sounds perfect to continue what's worked for you at a strategy level, and simply begin tactically to add some calories in ways that are satisfying and practical for you, until you reach maintenance calories.
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    Your MFP calculator should adjust according to your weight and weight loss goals. As long as you're logging your calorie intake accurately, you should be okay. It doesn't matter what time of day you eat your calories so long as you stay within your calorie budget.

    When you say "very low calorie diet", how low is low? You should be careful. If you lost that weight quickly on a lower-than recommended calorie diet, it won't be sustainable. Study after study shows that slow and steady is the way to lose in order to be more successful at keeping it off. Sounds like you're already there, though. So good for you for losing!
  • bibbob300
    bibbob300 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, thanks for your replies, will run for food, in answer to your "low cal" question I have lost the weight on a vlcd shake, bars & small meal diet, which I know is massively frowned upon on MFP but after 3 years of my weight creeping up and trying everything else its the only thing that's worked for me BUT I'm a very slow loser, averaging 2lbs a week, with holidays once every 6 week or so, I started in Jan this year and its taken until now to loose 50lbs and get where I want to be.
    The good thing is the diet has taught me that I don't need massive portions and the food I eat should be healthy and balanced, I was logging before on MFP and keeping to 1200 cals but when I look at my food it was shockingly poor, too many sweets, carbs etc, hence always being starving/ feeling deprived and not losing any weight.
    I'm a post person, getting up at 5am hence being up this early so I need something small but sustainable to eat before I get my proper breakfast at 9am and that was why I was asking about the shake as at the moment I split my morning shake between two and it keeps me going, I don't want to start eating 2 meals before lunch as I used to and figured maybe a small scoop of protein shake would be better as although I love oats in plain yoghurt I'm often starving again soon after, I know the protein shake would keep me full but being mindful that I know a balanced diet is better, that's why I asked if anyone uses them as a alternative to keep cals low.
    Thanks for your advice and encouragement on losing the weight, I'm feeling great and want to stay this way ! x
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Watching this discussion with some interest - have been thinking of using a protein shake to up my protein...
  • silvilunazul
    silvilunazul Posts: 59 Member
    I always prefer to eat my calories rather than drink them. The brain doesn't register liquids in the same way as solids so in principle a person should feel fuller from food rather than drinks. But if it's working for you and you're satisfied and happy, just keep doing it.
  • bibbob300
    bibbob300 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks, its something I'm going to try anyway, I've been doing a lot of research this morning into various ways of eating and interestingly I've found out I'm a fast oxidiser, this means any carb intake such as oats make me hungrier so although I want to maintain my weight I'm going to try a protein shake split over my 2 breakfast breaks then a sort of paleo diet the rest of the day and see how I get on with that.
  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    i'm the same way with carb heavy meals like oatmeal (which I love) if I don't balance it with some healthy fat and protein I'm done for. Have you tried savory oatmeal? With some avocado, a fried egg and maybe a touch of cheese? Its delicious...
  • bigguyreed
    bigguyreed Posts: 64 Member
    Hey Bibob
    I'm very carb sensitive what is the name of the breakfast drink that you have been using? If you don't mind me asking I'm new here to. I'm surprised at how many carbs I've been eating that I thought were ok. I'm hoping that with the chart they have to look up foods that I eat I'll be able to lose some more lbs. Thanks
  • bibbob300
    bibbob300 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi tahxirez, that sounds delish, I'll give it a try :)
    Bigguyreed I'm planning on using the whey protein shake from myprotein, but not a lot, just one scoop, as I'm just finishing my stock of slim and save shakes, I usually mix half my vanilla shake with half a teaspoon of coffee, whiz up in active blend and voilà, a latte, so I'll be following the same principle with the protein shake, and yes like you I'm shocked at how many carbs are hidden in food, and I've learnt that carbs make me super hungry, I thought I was just greedy but when I come off my diet plan for holidays and put carbs back into my body I just crave them, I used the MFP charts before commencing on my shake diet but paid no attention to carbs etc, only consuming 1200 cals but looking back it was bread, oats & potatoes that did it, I know people frown on a very low cal diet that invokes ketosis but it's helped me enormously in how I view food and now I'm just about at goal I need to have a long term strategy in place.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,792 Member
    bibbob300 wrote: »
    Hi, thanks for your replies, will run for food, in answer to your "low cal" question I have lost the weight on a vlcd shake, bars & small meal diet, which I know is massively frowned upon on MFP but after 3 years of my weight creeping up and trying everything else its the only thing that's worked for me BUT I'm a very slow loser, averaging 2lbs a week, with holidays once every 6 week or so, I started in Jan this year and its taken until now to loose 50lbs and get where I want to be.

    (Other sensible comments snipped, for length)

    Just one tiny quibble: Two pounds a week is not slow loss. Two pounds a week is fast loss, unless you began at a significantly obese weight. (Maybe you did; I have no way of knowing.)

    Please don't let silly TV programs, websites or magazines convince you that it's desirable, normal or healthy to lose 5, 8, 10 or more pounds weekly. This is not a race. It's much better to lose slowly, learn how to eat in a healthy way enroute to a healthy weight, fuel your workouts, and retain as much muscle as possible while losing weight.

    The closer you get to goal weight, the more slowly you should plan to lose. Your body can only metabolize a certain amount of fat in a day - if I recall correctly, it's estimated to be around 30-something calories per pound of body fat per day. If your deficit is steeper than that, you risk losing a higher proportion of lean body mass along with fat, and may increase your risk of "adaptive thermogenesis" problems - a decreased long term daily calorie burn for your size. (Note: This is not "starvation mode" in the sense people talk about it on MFP.)

    I'll bet you want to stay strong and healthy, right? If yes, then keep your weight loss in a healthy range, say 1% or less of your then-current body weight per week.

    You're doing great, and you've been losing at pretty much top speed!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    You need a gradual tranistion to maintenance. Figure out your cals to maintain on MFP. Then slowly start adding cals, 100-200 per week. Sound like you can just add on to your vlc eating plan, then eventually replace the diet foods you wish to replace with real food. What does your diet plan recommend for maintenance?
  • bibbob300
    bibbob300 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Ann, I started my diet weighing 12st, so not massively obese but by nature I'm impatient and always got disheartened with calorie counting if I didn't lose much, I didn't undertake a vlcd lightly, I did a lot of research and as I walk for 8 hrs a day and hate exercircising when I get home ( especially at 12stone) I decided that lose the weight quick and get fitter when exercise was easier on my joints. And it works for me, not every can stick at it.
    Hi lorrpb yes your right my plan has a step by step guide to moving off into maintenance but as I also like to plan ahead myself and reading all your comments and others on the forum has helped enormously, thanks:)